Life after death: you will know when you will be DEATH – shock research | Science | New


The debate about what happens after death has been raging for thousands of years and crosses the fields of science, religion, and philosophy. But scientists are now creating a clearer picture thanks to advances in medical technology. One of these scientists, Dr. Sam Parnia, head of cardiopulmonary resuscitation research and an badistant professor at Stony Brook University's School of Medicine, discovered evidence that people knew when they would have died. .

In a case study of 140 people who survived a cardiac arrest event, many felt the sensation of death and knew what was going on around them.

Dr. Parnia said: "They will describe the observation of the work of doctors and nurses, they will be aware of being fully aware of the conversations, visual information in progress, which they do not have. would not otherwise know. "

AWARE, or AWAreness during resuscitation, examines the problem in more detail: "Survivors of cardiac arrest have cognitive deficits, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

"It is unclear if these experiences are related to cognitive / mental experiences and awareness during CPR.

"Despite anecdotal reports, the wide range of cognitive / mental experiences and awareness badociated with CPR has not been systematically studied."

Of the 140 people surveyed, 46% "had memories with 7 major cognitive themes: fear; animals / plants; brilliant light; violence / persecution; already seen; family; recalling subsequent events[cardiac arrest]".

Two percent "described their awareness with an explicit reminder to" see "and" hear "real events related to their resuscitation. One of them had a verifiable period of consciousness, during which one did not expect a brain function. "

However, Dr. Parnia recently told Oz Talk, "People describe a bright, warm, inviting light that draws people to it.

"They describe the feeling of knowing their deceased loved ones, almost as if they had come to welcome them. They often say that they do not want to come back in many cases, it's so comfortable and it's like a magnet is attracting them so they do not want to come back.

"Many people describe the feeling of separating from themselves and watching doctors and nurses work on them."

Dr. Parnia explains that the reaction has scientific explanations and that seeing people is not a proof of life after death, but rather that the brain scans itself as a survival technique.

He said that, thanks to modern technology and science, "death does not have to be limited to philosophy and religion, but it can be explored through science".

He added: "They can hear things and record all the conversations that are going on around them."

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