Life is both terrible and wonderful


Life is both terrible and wonderful

Life is terrible because about 7,000 newborns die every day. In addition, tons of adults die every day: some by accident, others by illness. Some die of starvation while others die while pursuing their dreams. Nevertheless, life is too beautiful; about 386,000 newborns are born each day. While some animal and plant species are disappearing, the sunrise and sea waves remain magnificent. And while some nations are constantly being destroyed by the scourge of incompetence and corruption, other nations are covering the skyline with skyscrapers. Life is bitter and sweet at the same time.

Young men across the continents thrive at the height of unemployment. They thrived under the dictatorship and flourished when the economies of their countries seemed irreparable. In some well-developed countries, we have seen very intelligent young men become homeless and have to sleep under bridges. It reveals something crucial. It tells us that to succeed, it is not enough to live in a good economy. I guess this has to do with the attitude too. Yes, there are so many reasons to complain, so let's complain, but do not lose our life complaining. We can not reconcile our lives with depression and poverty, because life is not only awful; it's also wonderful.

Do not mistake yourself. It is extremely difficult to prosper in a country that offers very limited opportunities for its citizens. In an environment where crime is sometimes glorified and heroes not honored, it is extremely difficult to do so. However, this is not impossible. Each dark cloud has a silver lining. Yes, every difficult situation still presents some opportunities. Each problem has gold nuggets, a gift for those who are brave enough. Life is both terrible and wonderful. Why give in to despair?

Each life is composed of seconds and minutes, hours and days. Moreover, every day is precious. So, how do you spend every minute of your life? How do you spend every hour of your life? How do you spend each day of your life? What do you personally do to escape the scourge of unemployment? Let us find answers to these questions as we legitimately reinforce the pressure on our leaders to create an environment conducive to business development. An environment that offers equal opportunities for all and rewards hard work.

As we urge our politicians to create opportunities for us, to inspire us with patriotism through their actions and to live up to their responsibilities, let us understand that even the current status quo holds a myriad of opportunities for those who do not take no for answer. . While we ask that jobs be given, based on merit and not on knowledge or political influence, there are still some opportunities for those seeking information. Life is awful and wonderful, so if we search patiently and constantly, we will find. And where we can not find, let's create. We have the choice of jumping the obstacles in our path, getting around them or tearing them to the other side, which is a success.

Fortunately, we live in an oasis of peace: Ghana. In addition, we, young people in Ghana, have an infinite potential for success in all areas of life. Let us not be carried away by the crowd in tears, nor by the sorrows of the present nor by the emotions of the past. Life is both terrible and wonderful. Therefore, take initiatives, now! Because we have never had a perfect environment, we will never have an environment in which we can effortlessly convert our dreams into reality. Start something and keep going until you can do something better.

Rahim Newton
[email protected]
Founder of LYTO (Let Your Thought Out), an organization focused on empowering young people to use writing and discourse as legitimate tools to help build the nation.

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