Lifestyle: The 4 languages ​​of poverty


Animations from Monday, April 1st, 2019



Stretching poverty File Photo: A poor beggar

When a group of people is placed in a room, the way they think becomes obvious. The poor among them speak a particular language because they were raised as such. The rich, on the other hand, think differently from others because of their exposure. Poverty is a state of mind and then becomes a character.

The mentality is the cause. All the rest is effect. Who a man is and will ever become depends largely on how he was shaped to think. The fruits that we will bear in this life depend largely on the seeds of thought that have always been sown in us. If you want to change a man, change his way of thinking first. His character is a reflection of his exposure.

Poverty is a character. This is how a man lives constantly because of the way he always thought. If poverty were a fruit, the thought patterns of a man would be the seed. If a people is condemned to life imprisonment, it is because of their state of mind that has ended up being translated into character.

To be broke is not to be poor. One is temporary and the other, permanent. One is a lack in the pocket. The other is a lack of character. To be mown is only for a period, but a man who has been trapped in poverty will be continually entangled if he does not change his point of view.

Poverty has little to do with the lack of money, but a lot with the lack of character. Poverty, like culture, is a way of life. No matter how much money they have, if they do not have the character to handle, they will still be poor. The wealth of a poor person is not sustainable because he will continue to make life choices that will bring him back to the dungeons of poverty!

A poor man is a vulnerable man, just as a poor country is too. Everything is able to cross his door. Any nonsense can walk up to them to negotiate. And … they will have little or no voice.

Every poor person speaks a different language because poverty, as a nation, has a language. Poverty makes people think the same way. Poor people are able to identify because they speak almost the same language, no matter where and who they are.

"The language of excuses."

The game of poverty is a game of blame. Poverty will always find an excuse for not being rich. Poverty always has a lot of excuses that it distributes to others. Poor countries will blame their current situation on a slave trade that took place when their ancestors were just a bloody slump. Poor people will impute their situation to their family and to what is not. Poverty is a culture of apology!

You see, poverty never wants to admit anything. One of the signs of a poverty mentality is the lack of a sense of responsibility. A man must know that his fate is in his hands. Through his daily choices, he shapes this destiny. A people must know that what their nation will ever become depends largely on them. America is great because Americans are great. Rwanda becomes big because Rwandans become big.

Poverty always has one excuse or another to tell. There are long and boring folk stories about why things are getting worse. Mr. Poverty badumes that everyone is responsible for his deplorable state, except him. A poor people are those who have been brought up to think that they have never contributed to poverty!

"The language of waste."

The irony of life is that the poor are wasting more resources than the rich. Those who miss abuse of their limited resources unlike those who have in abundance. Go to a wedding party. These are the ones who have not left anything at the table of gifts that will take tons of food that they can not even eat while they fetch extra plates to bring back home. Look at poor countries. All the resources that are abundant there are often left to abandon while they claim the importation of the finished product of these same resources.

Poverty stinks waste? loss of time, resources, human capital and potential, among others. It gives no value to resources. A poor man can have a wealth of resources and still be as poor as a church mouse. A poor people will remain seated on great natural resources while begging countries that pull it off because they can not handle it as well. Thanks to waste and corruption.

Poverty makes a people live below its potential. It wastes resources inside and out.

Observe attentively the poor around you. They always have something that they generously waste. It is a resource that they constantly waste while working in abject poverty. It is a language in which they master so well.

"The language of dependence."

Poverty leads people to think that their help should always come from elsewhere. This makes them perpetually dependent despite everything that they have. When a people admits that he is really poor, he makes others the breath of his life. Without them, they can not exist? Literally.

A man or woman who drowns in poverty speaks the language of dependency so fluently. They are precarious in so many aspects of their lives? emotionally, financially, physically, spiritually, you call it. A state of mind of poverty removes our sense of autonomy. A bedridden people with the mentality of poverty is always dependent on others. Independence is only a mirage for them.

When a man wants to make a people perpetually poor, he first removes his sense of dependence. He teaches them how to feel inferior to what they have. He imbues them with thoughts that will destroy any foundation of independence in their lives. In this state, they will hang on to any straw to survive, even if it belongs to these slave masters.

"The language of bad faith."

A poor people can always identify with its dialect of inferiority. A state of mind based on poverty and pride can not coexist. One must replace the other. When people are poor, their self-confidence collapses. Nothing makes someone more shy than poverty. It is not surprising that poor countries have the least voice in global issues.

A language of bad faith buries its potentials. Poverty tears people's gifts and talents. It does not even allow them to realize the great potential that lives in them. Poverty removes people; a trait taken for humility. No poor man is really humble.

A state of mind of wealth is a state of mind of trust? great confidence. He commands. He orders. This requires what is part of it.

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