Local customers react to Chick-fil-A ban at San Antonio Airport


STATION COLLEGE, Tex. (KBTX) – Is Chick-fil-A discriminated against for his religious opinions? That's the question that Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is now asking after the ban on the fast food restaurant from San Antonio International Airport.

In late March, the San Antonio City Council voted in favor of removing the restaurant from its airport, because of what they call the company's anti-LGBTQ legacy.

It's a move that College Station's customers say they've surprised.

"Because often you've heard about Chick-fil-A's stance on everything and that doing something about it shocks me now and in a place like Texas," said Madison Brast, a university professor. Resident of the station.

"The fact that people of all religions come to Chick-fil-A because of the quality of their food and their customer service would help to maintain the reasoning why it should stay there, so a bit shocking and interesting to hear, "said Heather Gonzalez, a resident of College Station.

Some customers say that they do not believe the news will affect Chick-fil-A in one way or another.

"Chick-fil-A has already established a broad customer base, so I do not think anything that San Antonio does has an impact," Brast said.

In a statement, Chick-fil-A Inc. states:
"The recent coverage of Chick-fil-A continues to convey an inaccurate narration about our brand.We have no political or social agenda, nor do we discriminate against one group. More than 145,000 people from diverse backgrounds and beliefs represent Chick-fil-A We welcome all people regardless of religion, race, gender, ethnicity, badual orientation or gender identity.

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