Louise Redknapp excludes dates amid rumors about Jamie Redknapp's new romance


Louise Redknapp says she's not brave enough to enter the scary world of dating apps.

The single singer did not rule out a relationship after his divorce from Jamie with the football pundit.

But she will not look for anyone who will find it because she claims that online love is filled with abandonment and false promises.

The former eternal star, 44, revealed how much she struggled with her self-esteem when she was married.

This, she says, will not improve by looking for Mr. Right on his mobile phone.

"It's impossible for me to get close to that," she told Mail on Sunday's magazine You.

Louise and Jamie separated four years ago – and now she is looking to the future

"Can you imagine? My two younger brothers are on Tinder and they have had a terrible time!"

"They blow themselves up, they do not get answers, I do not know, I have not crossed this bridge yet, I think if I met the right person, but … I think I have problems .

"I'm happy, I'm really happy, I'm scared, I'm happy happy, I've definitely learned that I'm stronger than I ever thought."

She said that her stint in Strictly Come Dancing in 2016 helped her out of her shell.

Louise says her time on Strictly has changed her life

She's not ready to find love online

But the former star of Eternal said it was not a long-time love affair, Jamie cutting his wings.

"I am delighted to have done so strictly because otherwise I think I would not have had the courage," she said. "Any woman who has reached the age of 40 will understand this.

"But I do not blame Jamie, I wish three years ago that I was able to speak." For a long time it was easy to blame him.

The family back before the couple divorced

"Many of those 21 years have been incredible, and there have been moments in those 21 years that I've been sad, not because of Jamie, most of it is due to me."

Louise is back in the West End, 9 to 5 after her injury has excluded her.

She released her Stretch back single about 16 years after her last song.

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