Mac OS X 10.6.6 Mac App Store Support Deployed by Developers



The latest update to Snow Leopard – Mac OS X 10.6.5 – has not yet destroyed the software update pipeline for users, but that does not stop Cupertino from forwarding to developers earlier versions of 10.6 .6.

We already know that version 10.6.5 is imminent. The fact that Apple has already moved to the development of version 10.6.6 only underscores the fact that we will not have much more time to wait.

But what's more interesting is the tiny footprint of 10.6.6: it only has 3.7 MB. If you compare that to the expected footprint of nearly 500 MB for 10.6.5, it's easy to see that 10.6.6 will not bring so much new stuff to Snow Leopard, at least in terms of critical points on a list of features and bug fixes.

What is Mac OS X 10.6.6 will Bringing to the table is pretty huge for the Mac software ecosystem, however: the Mac App Store, which at the very least will add the ability to buy, download and install support for Macs. one-click application on the operating system.

Sometimes the big things are really small.

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