Macron chooses Brexit critic to lead EU election campaign


French Minister of European Affairs Nathalie Loiseau praised British activists for Brexit by launching the candidacy of President Emmanuel Macron's political party in the European elections in May.

"Do you remember the slogan" Take back control? ", Loiseau said Tuesday, referring to a key slogan of the" Quit "campaign. "It was a good slogan, but the wrong answer, and we can see the current state of things.

"Taking back control of our destiny can only be achieved with Europe," she said, underlining the pro-EU reformist position of the Macron administration. "A number of populist forces are being born and Europe and we are going to fight them."

Loiseau, who resigned from his post on Wednesday in Macron's cabinet, had already made a splash this month with a new blow to Britain's disordered departure from the European Union, jokingly that it was not the same. she had christened her Brexit cat.

"He wakes me up every morning with meowing madly because he wants to be left outside and as soon as I open the door, he stays motionless, undecided, then glares at me when I put him out," he said. she declared on Facebook.

Loiseau later admitted that she had no cat and that she thought that a "certain sense of humor" was needed for the imminent departure of Great Britain. Brittany of the European Union.

The joke seemed to sum up French disbelief at the perceived indecision with which Britain was approaching his departure.

Prior to joining Macron's cabinet, Loiseau was a career diplomat and head of the French National School of Administration, which trains the country's top public servants. She had no experience in politics.

As Minister of Europe, she has been at the forefront of Macron's ideological war against European nationalists and populists, including Marine Le Pen in France, Viktor Orban in Hungary, Matteo Salvini and Luigi Di Maio in Italy.

The French government announced on Wednesday that it would announce a limited cabinet reshuffle to replace Loiseau by Monday.

Europeanize the European elections
The European parliamentary campaign will be the first electoral test of Macron's party, The Republic on the Move, which won a solid parliamentary majority one month after Macron's election as president in 2017.

The second on the list of candidates for the European campaign is Pascal Canfin, who previously headed the French office of the World Wildlife Fund and, like Macron himself, was former French President François Hollande's minister.

The full list of 30 candidates mainly contains unknown personalities of various origins, including two foreigners: Sandro Gozi, former deputy secretary for European affairs in Italy, and Chrysoula Zacharopoulou, gynecologist and surgeon Franco-Greek.

"The presence of non-French citizens on our list reflects our commitment to Europeanize the elections," said campaign director Stéphane Séjourné.

Polls suggest that, despite the discontent of the Yellow Vest movement, it would not be unlikely that Macron's party would win the largest share of the vote in the May 26 vote.

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