Maine ends non-medical exemptions for vaccinations



Democratic governor Janet Mills enacted a bill Friday that eliminates religious and philosophical exemptions for vaccinations in Maine.

In Maine, the rate of exemptions for non-medical vaccines is one of the highest in the country, and health officials estimate that withdrawal rates appear to be rising.

"As we hear more and more cases of measles and other preventable diseases in Maine and across the country, it has become clear that we must take action to ensure the health of our communities," he said. Democratic Representative, Ryan Tipping, of Orono, the sponsor of the bill.

Maine will terminate by 2021 withdrawals of non-medical vaccines for students in public and private schools and universities, including nursery schools. Employees of health facilities are also subject to the law.

Supporters say unvaccinated children put others at risk, especially those who can not get vaccines for medical reasons. But opponents of the law say it violates parental rights and stigmatizes children who are not vaccinated.

The Maine Center for Disease Control recently announced the first case of measles in the state since 2017. The state is also facing a pertussis epidemic for which there is a vaccine.

Maine joins California, Mississippi and West Virginia to become the fourth state without religious exemption for vaccine needs.

Opponents warn that a legal battle is brewing over whether the Maine law goes too far in violating freedom of religion. The Maine Constitution states that "no one shall be hurt, molested or retrained" for following God according to his "own conscience".

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