Maisie Williams describes the first scene of Game of Thrones that she toured without her parents


  • Maisie Williams' mother traveled a lot with her at the beginning of her career in "Game of Thrones".
  • Williams was only 12 when she started the shooting season of the hit series, so she had to be accompanied by a tutor.
  • In an appearance in "The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon" on Monday, Williams described filming his first scene without his parents at the age of 16.
  • It was about stabbing a man with both eyes before the distribution led to a pizza.
  • Williams recounted that she thought she had made the right decision when leaving school.

Maisie Williams grew up on the set of HBO's hit series "Game of Thrones".

She was barely 12 years old when she interpreted the role of Arya Stark, the missed daughter of Ned Stark, Lord of Winterfell.

In the nine years and seven seasons that followed, fans saw Arya and Maisie become an adult woman and a formidable force of revenge.

In an appearance in "The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon" on Monday – where she also cheated the fans into believing that she had leaked a huge spoiler "Game of Thrones" – Williams spoke of the unusual way in which she spent her formative years.

Read more: Maisie Williams and Jimmy Fallon have cheated the fans into believing that she had leaked a huge spoiler – "Games of Thrones".

"For me, it's like you're living your life, and it's only when you look back 10 years ago and you realize: everyone has seen me grow up" , she said.

Williams then recounted the fun story of the first time she was shooting a scene for the unparalleled show at the age of 16.

Maisie Williams grew up on Game of Thrones.
Jeff Spicer / Getty Images

Fans of the series will remember the scene where Arya kills Ser Meryn Trant for revenge for the murder of Syrio Forel, his former sword master.

Williams said they needed to work overtime to make the scene: "For me it was the first time I did that, so it was really, really exciting.

"When you work overtime, they bring you a pizza.

"And then they made this huge pizza order and we're talking like a crew of 100 people so he [sic] boxes and boxes of pizza.

"And I go out, I have a dagger in my hand, a nightgown and I'm covered with blood after stabbing this guy in both eyes.

"… I'm taking a slice of pizza and I remember thinking:" It's my life, I'm so glad I left school. " # 39; "

Look at the full exchange below:

In the UK, all British children continue their education until the age of 16. However, Williams decided not to sit for the GCSE exams (as most students do at the end of high school), relying instead on her acting career.

In 2014, Hillary, Maisie's mother, told the Mail on Sunday that this decision was not taken lightly.

"I strongly believe in opportunities," she said.

"Maisie had a lot of opportunities that we did not think we could refuse to focus on education.

"I know a lot of people do not agree with that, but that's what we decided to do." At the time, Maisie was spinning, there were appearances and d & # 39; She had no time to write her exams.

"It was not an easy decision, it came after a series of events that made us think: are we really going to say," No, Maisie, you must be in school for your exams & When someone offers you the chance to travel the world and act in all these wonderful things?

She added, "I'm not saying you do not need education." My eldest son went to college and graduated, and it worked for him.

"But you have to look at each case individually, you can always go back and study, and those opportunities will not be there forever."

Arya is one of the most lethal characters in the series.

Williams herself admitted that her school years were particularly difficult as a teenager who had discovered fame very early.

"Well, 12, not so much, but 15, 16, that's when hormones are really stealing," she told The Guardian last year.

"Pbading through this and trying to juggle others' opinions about who you are and how you should act, is difficult, just because you are desperately trying to find your own identity.

"Whether you're famous at age 15 or not, you're always confused as to who you are."

She tried to go back to school while filming, but it was such a difficult experience that she ended up turning to school at home.

"Leave school, then go back there and live this horrible experience made me very bitter about life and people," she said.

"People let you down and they hurt you … I went through a very dark phase thinking that everything was horrible."

She added that she understands that some people might feel threatened, but that does not excuse the bad behavior of anyone.

"To be 15 years old and to feel threatened by a successful person seems to be a very human thing," she said.

"When I look back, I just think it could have been literally anybody.It turns out that it was me who had success."

"Game of Thrones" returns to HBO for its eighth and final season on Sunday, April 14.

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