Maisie Williams, from Game of Thrones, says her last scene "seemed like a good time to say goodbye" to Arya Stark


Game of thrones& # 39; Maisie Williams talked about shooting her last scene in the eighth and final season.

The 21-year-old star has played the stubborn role of Arya Stark in the HBO fantasy series since 2011, and she explained how it was time to leave the character.

Game of Thrones, Season 8, Arya Stark, Maisie Williams


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"This whole season has been very moving," she said. S Magazine. "When I arrived to shoot my last scene, I had already seen many people wrap up, see all the tears and hear all the talk. "

Speaking about her own experience that surrounds the series forever, the actress adds: "It was just a very beautiful day and a very beautiful final scene for me – it was the right one. moment to say goodbye to Arya "

Maisie Williams, Mary Poppins Returns first

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Meanwhile, Maisie also recently revealed with whom Arya would badociate when the show would finally return to television screens next month.

No matter who it is, they will definitely have a ruthless friend next to them.

Game of thrones Season 8 will debut on April 14, 2019. The show will air on HBO in the United States and Sky Atlantic, as well as NOW TV UK. Season 7 is now available for purchase on DVD, Blu Ray or digital download.

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