Male contraceptive pill passes the test of safety in humans – Ghanacrusader


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A new male contraceptive pill successfully pbaded the safety and tolerance tests when healthy men used it daily for one month and produced hormonal responses consistent with effective contraception, according to researchers at two institutions testing the drug. The results of the Phase 1 study were presented on Sunday, March 24 at ENDO 2019, the annual meeting of the Endocrine Society in New Orleans, Louisiana.

The male experimental oral contraceptive is called 11-beta-methyl-19-nortestosterone dodecylcarbonate or 11-beta-MNTDC. It's a modified testosterone that combines the action of a male hormone (androgen) and a progesterone, said researcher badociated with the study, Christina Wang, MD, Associate Director of the Los Angeles Biomed Research Institute (LA) Clinical and Translational Research Institute. BioMed), Torrance, California.

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"Our results suggest that this pill, which combines two hormonal activities in one, will decrease sperm production while preserving libido," said Wang. He added that the drug would take at least three to 60 to 90 days to affect sperm production and that reversible and safe male hormonal contraception should be available in about 10 years.

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