Man United should be optimistic for Barca return match, says Hargreaves


Owen Hargreaves believes that Man United should be optimistic for the second leg of the quarter-final Champions League in Barcelona after the mediocrity of the Spanish team at Old Trafford

  • Manchester United was narrowly defeated by Barcelona at Old Trafford
  • The visitors scored a goal on the outside and a slight lead thanks to Luis Suarez
  • Owen Hargreaves believes his former club should be optimistic when he travels to Spain
  • Henrik Larsson was in agreement that Barca had performed badly

By Danny Gallagher for Mailonline

Published on: 18:03 EDT, April 10, 2019 | Update: 6:44 pm EDT, April 10, 2019

Manchester United may have been defeated in their first-leg quarter-final match against Barcelona, ​​but his former player, Owen Hargreaves, thinks the positives should be taken from the Old Trafford showdown.

Barca won a slim 1-0 victory thanks to Liverpool 's former man, Luis Suarez, but his performance is far from convincing against the men of Ole Gunnar Solskjaer.

United knows that an early goal scored in Nou's camp would immediately bring the score down, and Hargreaves believes his former club should go to Catalonia without fear.

Barcelona left Old Trafford with a 1-0 win, but failed to be the most convincing

Barcelona left Old Trafford with a 1-0 win, but failed to be the most convincing

"They are really comfortable in La Liga, but they will not scare anyone who plays this way. Busquets – we have never seen so many bullets in possession of the ball, "said Hargreaves during his expert work with BT Sport.

"We were expecting a show that did not really materialize. We had said that before the match, United could be in the second leg, they are. I think we will see more fireworks in the second leg.

Swedish legend Henrik Larsson, who played for both United and Barcelona, ​​agreed with Hargreaves' badessment.

"I felt that they were stressed when the pbad went and that the accuracy was not there. Sometimes it's good for a team to rest with the ball and maybe create something there, "Larsson added.

Pandits Owen Hargreaves (far right) and Henrik Larsson (next to him) expressed their opinions.

Pandits Owen Hargreaves (far right) and Henrik Larsson (next to him) expressed their opinions.

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer faces a turnaround in the camp of Nou in Catalonia

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer faces a turnaround in the camp of Nou in Catalonia

"It was not even close (at their best), I thought they were still sloppy today.

"I had the feeling that they were really happy when they scored outside the country, and then pulled the foot off the throttle a little bit.

Of the remaining English teams in the competition, Liverpool retain a 2-0 lead over Porto before moving to Portugal, while Tottenham are just ahead of Manchester City with a 1-0 score.


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