Man Utd target Harry Maguire furiously accuses Leicester of forcing him to change his mind – The Sun


HARRY MAGUIRE furiously accused Leicester of having escaped with all his might.

He told his teammates yesterday that he wanted to leave, while Manchester United and Manchester City both had £ 70 million offers rejected by Fox.

    Harry Maguire furiously accused Leicester of letting out a mega move


Harry Maguire furiously accused Leicester of letting out a mega moveCredit: Getty – Contributor

The defender is furious that the Foxes hold for £ 85m and share their feelings after training in France.

Maguire, 26, mentioned the imminent transfer of Matthijs de Ligt from Ajax to Juventus for around 58 million pounds to highlight his case.

England has the feeling that Leicester broke the agreement reached last year with a new five-year contract stating that the Fox would not block it if a fair offer was made.

King Power boss Brendan Rodgers was already aware of Maguire's wishes but still hopes he will stay on.

Now, the Foxes do not know if Maguire is ready to play their pre-season game at Scunthorpe on Tuesday.

United will make a new offer before closing the transfer slot, their badessment ahead of City.

Maguire would become the world's most expensive defender, beating the £ 75m Virgil van Dijk when he moved from Southampton to Liverpool.

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