Man Utd vs. Barcelona: Zlatan Ibrahimovic Predicts Lionel Messi and Paul Pogba | Football | sport


United will welcome the Catalan giants in the first leg of their clash tonight with Messi.

Pogba returns to the Manchester United Champions League team after being suspended for the return leg of the dramatic clash of the last 16 games against PSG.

Ibrahimovic played alongside United and Barca during his stays in the UK. He is sitting on the fence when it comes to deciding who will succeed.

But the great Swede knows that Pogba and Messi will play a crucial role in determining the candidates.

"It will be a very interesting match, two big teams, two big clubs playing against each other," Ibrahimovic said.

"Both clubs have a great history and it will be exciting to see the fantastic players on each team. Let's see who will be the strongest for the day.

"Obviously you have [Lionel] Messi, he makes the difference at every game, it's no secret.

"United, you have [Paul] Pogba makes the difference there.

"It will be a battle between Messi and Pogba, even if it is a collective sport.

"In these games, everything is a team issue, not an individual player, but it's the players that make the difference."

The future of Pogba at Manchester United remains uncertain, despite the revival of Ole Gunnar Solskjaer.

The French midfielder has already been transferred to Real Madrid, but Solskjaer believes he can keep Pogba at Old Trafford.

"Paul Pogba is looking forward to tomorrow," said the Norwegian.

"At Paul's best, he can start a game like this.

"I can not see him not playing for Manchester United next season."

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