Mandela-ism: Intellect Merged Leadership – Daily Times


Mired by the desire to awaken the mbades at the deplorable aggregate of the status quo, be it a repercussion of political or social factors, true leadership calls first the resurgence of mental frameworks and the reorientation of the cognitive orientation of the mbades. Burning with zest to evoke lasting change, such leadership goes far beyond the gimmickry of garnering support through ridicule from the opposition forces. On the contrary, it establishes its veracity as a potential authority by an unequivocal affirmation of the needs of the mbades demanding the utmost attention.

The physics of such coalition intellectual leadership is reflected in the governance style of the first black South African. President Nelson Mandela, whose centenary celebrations this week commemorate his service in the name of democracy and human rights. Struggling for a period of more than 40 years with 18 of the 27 years of incarceration spent at the infamous Robben Island, Mandela's leadership prowess resembles a dissent from institutionalized racism and governance variegated against Blacks from South Africa denying them social and political parity. Mandela's leadership exists as a point of balance between his approach to life itself as it was a necessary derivative of Gandhi's philosophy "to be the change that we wanted to see in the world". Mandela knew that he had to show the example because the mbades would easily imitate what he was practicing. It was precisely for this reason that he conceived the policy of leading a non-violent opposition against the rule of apartheid in South Africa, as opposed to the armed resistance previously practiced, because he believed that The convenient and ruthless expression of feelings of hatred, anguish and anger Perseverates firmly in its resolve to rid South Africa of the claws of apartheid discrimination, Mandela even when he was offered freedom in exchange for the repudiation of the resistance to the government by African President Botha, reprimanded him by stating: "Instead of giving up his political and social goals, Mandela decided to serving his full term of imprisonment, refusing to break his commitment to a racially equal South Africa, thereby redefining leadership. " [19659002] Mandela has proven time and again how learning is essentially a journey of a lifetime, because you always learn something g with every curve ball thrown towards your path in life. This is especially evident in its decision to encourage privatization after meeting with the leaders of Vietnam and China, to help revive the faltering economy in South Africa, as opposed to its firm support for the policy of nationalization which was "inconceivable". change in Mandela's own words. Having been a convinced socialist throughout his life and having led the African National Congress during the decade of the 1990s who had categorically adopted anti-privatization economic policies, Mandela's pro-privatization adoption meant resenting the resentment of the black general population, but he was well aware of the economic pitfalls of South Africa that commanded a rethinking of conscious economic policy, instituting privatization instead of nationalization.

In a world where personal and political grievances form the basis of conflict Mandela took the road less traveled and practiced forgiveness, deciding to give up the horror of the past that would have compromised social progress of South Africa. In 1998, when Mandela took US President Bill Clinton on a visit to the infamous Robben Island showing him the space where he had spent 27 years of hard work and physical submission, he firmly argued that he was not the only one in the world. by revisiting this space, he felt neither anger nor need for retribution, if that had been the case, although he had been physically released from prison, he would have been "imprisoned on his own initiative".

Mandela's leadership is a point of balance between his approach to life itself. a necessary derivative of Gandhi's philosophy "to be the change that we wanted to see in the world".

This constituted his pragmatic realization of inclusivity by being the guarantor of a progressive South Africa. Being marginalized as a racially inferior Black during the rule of apartheid, Mandela learned that cataloging humanity, where people are denied opportunities as well as respect for the color and the texture of their skin is an abuse of human dignity. This is precisely why, even after being subjected to horrific patterns of violence by whites in South Africa, Mandela's inclusive vision has enabled him to find reconciling ways to bridge the social and political divide between whites and blacks. Mandela lent his support to the South African Olympic team for the 1992 Olympics, despite the fact that he included ninety-five white athletes and only eight blacks, since he knew that before he had to "start somewhere". Similarly, in 1994, while he was delivering the inaugural presidential speech, Mandela was acutely aware that more than one billion people would watch him not only pronounce his policies but also evaluate his leadership position. This awareness led him to seize the opportunity to proclaim the idea of ​​national and social solidarity and the creation of a "rainbow nation" baderting a common vision for South Africa since he knew that none of them could accomplish alone "Birth of a new world", all factions "must act together ".

Today, the world faces a myriad of problems, ranging from the refugee crisis to the scourge of terrorism. the display of violence, revisiting Mandela's intellect, coalition leadership is the need of the hour. From perseverance in trials, to the practice of forgiveness and the promotion of a reconciling policy, Mandela has basically laid out a plan for world leaders, making him the loving Madiba whom we all venerate today. .

The author is a freelance columnist with a deep interest in local and world politics, English literature and psychology.

Published in the Daily Times, July 23 rd 2018.

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