Martin Amidu has a mistaken mentality about the SP office – MP for Tamale North


General News of Monday, May 27, 2019



Martin Amidu Sldkjf Special Prosecutor Martin Amidu

Suhuyini Alhbadan Sayibu, a member of the Tamale North Parliament, questioned the capacity of the Special Prosecutor, Martin Alamisi Burnes Kaiser Amidu, to make significant changes in the fight against corruption.

Martin Amidu, he said, did not seem to stand for the post of special prosecutor with the right state of mind to make a difference in the fight against corruption.

He said: "I think he's qualified for the job and that he has everything he needs to occupy the SP office, but I do not think he's getting it. be returned to this office with the appropriate mentality to fight against corruption. "

Suhuyini Alhbadan, who made the comment on Saturday's political television show, The Key Points, said problems had been raised in the selection of Martin Amidu and that his statements had weakened his confidence in the PS.

According to him, the comments that preceded the promotion of the bill as well as its adoption and the appointment of Martin Amidu convinced him that the PS was going to suffer from the fact that the motive for the establishment of this office was Was not a nationalist character.

The stories about the bill and the establishment of the SP office, he said, do not engender national acceptability if the goal was to make sure that all the world contributes to the fight against corruption.

"It was not necessary to create a certain impression that the office had been created to target certain people, especially people from the previous administration."

"That's why the special prosecutor is under pressure today for his work because of the level of expectation created."

"You hear a lot of supporters of the NPP and government officials complaining that Martin Amidu is not meeting expectations."

"Through these criticisms, Martin Amidu had to raise his hand at one point to complain about not having enough resources. So quickly, perhaps to reinforce perceptions, resources were provided and asked to get to work as a bulldog. "

"And when the resources were provided and the action did not show up, you heard again that he was not doing anything." "This feeds this perception, deliberate or otherwise, but these actions and inactions contribute to the perception that this is not the case – an institution that is actually set up to contribute to the fight against corruption in general."

The MP for Tamale North wondered if it would be fair to call Martin Amidu corrupt, after revelations that officers under his command were engaged in corrupt fuel contracts.

"You can forgive me if I ask this question."

"If any one was president and all that was going on under him, Martin Amidu thought he had been sanctioned by him, the question I ask is whether he's responsible for a small office." and not from a country and that similar offenses occur, is it fair to badume that it is? also corrupted, "he asked?

Alhbadan Suhuyini observed that the PS appeared to be pursuing a personal vendetta in the first case he had sent to court concerning Mahama Ayariga, MP for Central Bawku.

He pointed out that, in order to claim his rights, millions of dollars were diverted under the previous government, and then offered the opportunity to act as a PS, and that the first case be brought to justice, occurred in 2017, was an anti-climax.

According to him, he feels justified by what is happening in the special prosecutor's office, although he is not happy about it.

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