Martin County, Florida: Considered "High Risk" for Hepatitis A


Officials from the Florida Department of Health in Martin County reported Friday that since the beginning of the year, 13 cases have been confirmed in Martin County.

Martin County, FL Image / David Benbennick
Martin County, Florida
Image / David Benbennick

The Florida Health Department considers a community as "high risk" when the confirmed number of cases reaches 5. Martin County has reached high risk status with 5 confirmed cases on Monday, April 1st.

Hepatitis A is a contagious liver disease usually transmitted from one person to another by objects, foods or beverages contaminated with small amounts of feces from a person with high blood pressure. ;hepatitis A.

Health officials advise the public to consult a physician if a person has symptoms of the disease, contact a health care provider or attending physician with questions or problems eating food, and finally, vaccinate.

The vaccine against hepatitis A is available in the community through health care providers and local pharmacies.

At the state level, the total of the epidemic is now 1239 since its debut in 2018.

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