Mass civilian disobedience closes Sudanese capital as death toll rises


The decision to close Khartoum, a town of about two million inhabitants, came as four other people were reportedly killed, bringing to 118 the total number of deaths as a result of the bloody military crackdown last Monday, according to the Central Committee. Sudanese doctors.

In a statement on Sunday, the committee said one of the victims was a 20-year-old man, shot in the chest by fast-supporting forces, known as Janjaweed, a paramilitary group that supports the government.

Two others died after being "beaten and stabbed" by the rapid support forces, according to the committee, although the day of their injury is unknown.

The Sudanese Professionals Association (SPA), an organization that staged protests against former leader Omar al-Bashir, said the civil disobedience campaign would end only when the ruling generals "transfer power to Transitional Civil Authority in accordance with the Declaration of Freedom and Change (DFC). "

In a statement released on Saturday, he added that the campaign meant not going to work and "general civil disobedience for a civil state".

A protester told CNN that the protest was going "pretty well" with the streets empty compared to a normal and crowded Sunday.

The SPA had previously called for emergency medical personnel to be exempted from strikes and accused the ruling military council of closing Sunday public and private medical centers.

"They directly endanger the lives of the wounded and wounded," the badociation said in a statement. According to the Central Committee of Sudanese Doctors, eight hospitals have been "completely closed" by the army.

A Sudanese woman walks past closed shops on a shopping street in the twin city of Khartoum, Omdurman, on June 9.

Disturbed demonstrations

The hope of a peaceful transition of power struck a fatal blow on 3 June, when soldiers and paramilitary groups opened fire on a sit-in for democracy in Khartoum, witnesses said. killing dozens of people and injuring hundreds of people. About 40 bodies were discovered in the Nile after the attack

The violence followed weeks of sit-in protests by pro-democracy activists in the capital, following the dramatic fall of Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir in April.

Bashir was fired by a military coup after thousands of people took to the streets to demonstrate against the cost of living before making calls for the dictator's removal.

The initial celebrations gave way to demands that the Transitional Military Council, which succeeded after the overthrow of Bashir, give way to a civilian-led interim body and hold elections.

Sudanese opposition group calls for
The military council and opposition groups originally agreed to a three-year transition to democracy, but the talks failed in May.

Faced with the attacks, the leaders of the demonstration refused to resume talks with the military leaders, who controlled the damage after being criticized by the international community following the attacks of 3 June.

In a statement released on Thursday, SPA ruled out the return to the negotiating table "until those responsible for last week's barbaric attacks on protesters at the army headquarters are brought to justice."

The SPA called for the creation of an independent committee to investigate the crackdown.

Speaking Tuesday in a speech in front of state television, General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, head of the coup, called for the organization of national elections within nine months and stated that he regretted the violence that occurred on the site of the protest.

"All those involved in the events that led to the disruption of the protest site will be held responsible and brought to justice," he said.

Sunday's mbad strike follows the arrests of several opposition leaders on Saturday. UK ambbadador to Sudan Irfan Siddiq called on the Transitional Military Council to immediately release "opposition leaders" in Saturday's post twitter.

Kareem Khadder and Mitch McCluskey of CNN contributed to this article.

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