May condemns Trump's remark about returning to Congress


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British Prime Minister Theresa May criticized US President Donald Trump for calling several Democratic women of color in Congress to "go home."

The outgoing Prime Minister called Mr. Trump's remarks "totally unacceptable," according to his spokesman.

Trump said the women "came from countries whose governments are a total and total disaster".

He was referring to four women in Congress – three who were born in the United States and one who came as a refugee child.

His remarks were widely condemned as racist and as going beyond the president's earlier statements and actions that led to allegations of racism.

Candidates for the Democratic presidential election denounced Trump's tweets as racist and divisive. Representatives of the Republican Party remained silent

The women – Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib and Ayanna Pressley, and Ilhan Omar, who arrived in the United States as a refugee aged 12 – all called the racist president and were supported by members of the Democratic Party .

Ms. Ocasio-Cortez was born in the Bronx in New York, about 20 km from the Queens Hospital where Mr. Trump was born.

Ms May resigned as British Prime Minister in June after being unable to reach an agreement on Brexit through Parliament. Two Conservative candidates in power are trying to replace her.

President Trump has been accused of racism and white nationalism

What did the president say?

In a thread of three tweets, Mr. Trump accused women of Congress of criticizing him "brutally", as well as the United States.

The Chair did not explicitly name the women he was talking about, but the background – and references to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi – established a clear link. He added that Ms. Pelosi would be happy to organize to allow them to leave the country.

A week ago, Ms. Pelosi clashed with the four women – sometimes dubbed "the squad" – but she has since returned to their defense after her tweets.

The President wrote: "So interesting to see women of" progressive "democratic congresses, from countries where governments are a complete and total disaster, the worst, most corrupt and most inept in the world (if they even have a functioning government), which is now loud and clear to the people of the United States, the largest and most powerful country in the world, how our government should be governed.

"Why do not they come back and help repair the totally devastated and infested places of the crimes that inspired them?" Then come back and show us how things are going. "

"These places are in great need of your help, you can not leave fast enough, I'm sure Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to be able to organize a free trip quickly!"

There have been internal quarrels among Democrats over a funding program at the border, Pelosi has spoken in favor of this program and the four women – all newcomers to Congress with a progressive program – voted against.

Last week, Ms. Ocasio-Cortez accused Ms. Pelosi of choosing to criticize women of color.

What was the answer?

Ms. Pelosi quoted Trump's tweets as "xenophobic".

"When @realDonaldTrump asks four US Congressional women to return to their country, he reaffirms that his plan to" restore splendor to America "has always been to restore whiteness to America. Our diversity is our strength and our unity is our power, "she wrote.

I reject @realDonaldTrumpThe xenophobic comments wanted to divide our country. Rather than attack members of Congress, he should work with us for a human immigration policy that reflects American values. Stop the raids – #FamillesBelongTogether!

– Nancy Pelosi (@SpeakerPelosi) July 14, 2019

Ms. Tlaib, congressman from Michigan's 13th district, tweeted to ask for Mr. Trump's indictment.

"You want an answer to a total and lawless failure of the president? It is the crisis.Its dangerous ideology is the crisis.It must be dismissed ,? she wrote.

Ms. Ocasio-Cortez tweeted to Mr. Trump: "In addition to not accepting an America that has elected us, you can not accept that we do not fear you either."


Ms. Omar told the President that he was "stir up white nationalism because you're angry that members like us are sitting in Congress and fighting your hate-filled agenda. "And Ms. Pressley shared a screenshot of Mr. Trump's tweet, adding,"That's what racism looks like. We are what democracy looks like. "

Candidates for the Democratic presidential nomination, including Elizabeth Warren, Beto O. Rourke and Bernie Sanders, condemned Trump's remarks as racist.

You are angry because you can not conceive of an America that understands us. You are counting on an America frightened for your looting.

You will not accept a country that considers health care as a right or education a top priority, especially when we struggle to get it.

Yet we are there.

– Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) July 14, 2019

Representative Justin Amash – who left the Republican Party early this month to become independent, in protest against the president – called the remarks racist and disgusting.

Democratic representative Don Beyer – born in Italy and Caucasian – stressed that he had never been the subject of similar criticism from the president.

When I call the racist president, that's what I'm talking about

We must unite for justice and dignity for all.

– Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) July 14, 2019

Mr. Trump has since tweeted, criticizing more "the people who speak so badly of our country".

Only one of the Congress members below was born outside the United States.

It's me too, the only one who has not been the subject of a racist tweet from the President today. All of us, including those like @Ilhan and I was born elsewhere – are proud Americans.

– Representative Don Beyer (@RepDonBeyer) July 14, 2019

What triggered Trump's tweets?

Mr. Trump did not mention any specific connection with recent events, but immigration to the southern border was a dominant topic in the American news this weekend. On Friday, Ms. Ocasio-Cortez, Ms. Tlaib and Ms. Pressley testified before a committee of the House about the conditions of detention at a migrant detention center that they had visited. They expressed their horror at the allegations of "American flag" abuse.

Ms. Ocasio-Cortez said the migrants had told her that they had been drinking from the toilet because the sinks were broken.

Vice President Mike Pence also visited a facility on Friday. He said everyone was "well cared for".

The president tweeted that the children's detention centers had had "good reviews" and that the adult-only areas were "loaded with a large percentage of criminals".

The president in the race

Mr. Trump has been accused of racism on several occasions in connection with various incidents.

For years he has made false claims that former President Barack Obama was not born in the United States, thus spreading the racist plot "of bakeries". He also made numerous insults against Central American migrants, calling them criminals and rapists. In 2018, he was criticized by Democrats and Republicans after reports said that at a meeting in the White House, he called African nations "shitholes".

When white supremacists marched in Charlottesville, Virginia, resulting in the death of 32-year-old counter-protester Heather Heyer, the president said there were "good people on both sides".

Mr. Trump and his father Fred Trump were sued by the Department of Justice in 1973 for discriminating against African Americans in their leasing practices. They settled the case without admitting their guilt in 1975, but were again accused by the Department of Justice in 1978 of an "underlying pattern of discrimination" with respect to tenants black.

In 2018, President Trump told a reporter, "I am not a racist, I am the least racist person you have ever interviewed".

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