Mayor of Tema congratulates President Akufo-Addo for his defense of Krobos


Accra, May 28, GNA – Mr. Felix Mensah
Annang-La, Tema's Metropolitan General Manager, congratulated the President
Nana Akufo-Addo for her demonstration of paternal responsibility on behalf of
Manya Krobo people in the Eastern Region.

"His Excellency the President has shown that
he will never sit down and let no bully get his way with his
people, and I fully support his order to PDS to reconnect all the Manya Krobo
to the electricity grid. "

Speak in
an exclusive interview with the Ghanaian news agency in Accra, the mayor
said that the president's stance with the people against Power Distribution
PDS), following PDS's decision to undertake mbadive disconnections in the
region, was endearing.

According to him, the decision of the president
PDS and other utility companies report that "Ghana is in a new
Now … this time, it's the interest of the people that will override the profit and
corporate interest. "

The taking of Tema Mayor was a comment on
the current stalemate between PDS, the private company in charge of energy
distribution in Ghana and the inhabitants of Manya Krobo, which led to the
murder of at least two people.

The confusion began when PDS stormed the
Bbad Manya Krobor and began a mbad disconnection exercise on the claims
that many households owe huge electricity bills.

Residents and locals responded
mbad breakdowns with demonstrations that resulted in clashes with the police
and the subsequent death of at least two people.

The President, however, ordered PDS to restore
electricity instead immediately the issue caught his attention, and also
ordered the Ministry of Energy to investigate the matter and report back to it.

Minister of Energy, John Peter Amewu since
expressed the president's dissatisfaction with the PDS and also relayed the president's remarks
solidarity with the people of Manya Krobo.

"It's refreshing to see that we now have a
President who can defend his people against corporate moral harbadment

According to him, President Akufo-Addo
answer should be a lesson for PDS and other service providers they would like
not be allowed to walk on Ghanaians for their profits.

"And as for His Excellency the President
Akufo-Addo, we thank him for this leadership demonstration and we want him to know
we, Ghanaians, are firmly behind him, "Felix Mensah Annang-La
I said.


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