McDonald's has announced a new amazing product as an april fish joke. Customers are outraged


Absurdly Driven look at the business world with a skeptical eye and a language firmly rooted in the cheek.

Many good ideas come and go.

Some come, enchant and stay.

However, it is always helpful to consider in advance the reaction of your customers when you release your idea.

Which makes me wonder how much of McDonald's very skilled marketers have been thinking about their latest product idea.

The description was enticing:

Juicy and tasty gherkins are superimposed between processed cheese, ketchup sauce and grilled buns with sesame seeds.

This would surely appeal to health-conscious people, as well as to unreasonably devoted pickle enthusiasts.

Indeed, when the Australian arm of McDonald's announced, some customers were moved to the climax of joy.

Omg is a hamburger designed for me.

People can be so egocentric, is not it?

There was, however, a slight inconvenience.

The McPickle Burger was a joke.

Yes, it was a simple April Fool's fish, which may not have been examined in depth yet.

This has pushed more than one customer to tear his hair, tear his clothes and ululate in his social media receptacles.

omfg if it's an April Fool's joke, joke, imma be crazy. Why does it have to be an April prank?

You can hope that McDonald's will somehow save his faux pas.

We know that our famous pickles are very popular and the McPickle Burger has certainly been talked about. We are happy that Australians enjoyed the joke of our April fish!

It seems tasteless tasteless.

McDonald's would not have been able to offer a bit of hope, or at least a few words of understanding for his dupery without feeling?

Once again, a speaker saw something really devious here:

This is a brilliant test market. Soooooo much #outrage, I bet they add it to the "secret" menu.

Such errors in judgment can make big profits.

You just need to know how to manage your customers now. You know, for that they feel good again.

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