MDA's internet debt is a handicap for NITA | Social


The failure of ministries, departments and agencies (MDA) to pay for the use of data and Internet services has paralyzed the activities of the National Agency for Information Technology (NITA) ).

NITA was established by Law 771 in 2008 to implement Ghana's information technology policies and to lead the e-Ghana project to improve the efficiency of government institutions.

However, the agency, according to the Minister of Communications, Ursula Owusu-Ekuful, has not been able to provide the requested services, due to non-payment by MDAs, who is attending currently at 13 million GH.

Speaking at the opening of a day-long forum on the computer industry in Accra, she stated that NITA was "financially handicapped" and did not want to see it. was in a better position to continue to provide the services for which she had been mandated.

"Almost all MDAs, including district bademblies, security agencies, the general accountant department and many others are accountable to NITA.

This is a worrying situation for NITA and threatens its mandate to provide IT solutions to the public sector, "she said.

"At this point, NITA can no longer bear the burden. We need agencies to help us as we help them improve the efficiency of their service delivery, "she explained.

To address this problem, the minister said the ministry was in talks with the Ministry of Finance to make initial payments to MDAs for their use of Internet data and computer services.

In addition, the ministry asked all MDAs to establish budget allocations for the use of data and computer services, as had been done with other utilities, in order avoid irregular payments, she said.

As part of the government's digitization program, Ms. Owusu-Ekuful, said the ministry was developing a government network of IT infrastructure to connect all MDAs, post offices, health facilities, schools , police stations and other public buildings.

A rural connectivity project, which would link all rural areas, make access to the Internet accessible in all parts of the country and promote digital inclusion, was also under preparation, she said.

To date, 69 districts in four regions, including Greater Accra and Volta, have been identified for the first phase of the project and funding is already secured, adding that the Ministry of Communications has engaged the Ministry of Finance and the Bank. to expand the program. National Network.

Prime Minister Yaw Osafo Maafo said, in a statement read on his behalf, that digitization was one of the six pillars of the strategy for reforming the system and the public sector whose implementation had been planned .

A budget of $ 3 million, he said, was allocated to NITA to help implement the digitization strategy and reaffirmed the government's commitment to promoting digitization in order to improve the digital environment. improve the efficiency, accountability and transparency of the public sector.

Abdulai Mohammed-Sani, Chairman of NITA's Board of Directors, said the lack of sustainable financing and the existence of legacy debts from external partners and internal customers posed a challenge to the agency's operations. .

On the operational side, he said the lack of infrastructure, human and technological resources, as well as skills and training, was an obstacle to the agency's mandate to provide IT services.

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