Measles has reached its second highest level since the elimination of the disease in 2000


The CDC urges the public to be vaccinated, claiming that it is a safe and effective way to prevent measles. The United States is the second-highest number of measles cases in the country in 2019 since the elimination of the disease in 2000. ( pixabay )

The measles epidemic in the United States has reached new heights, making it the second highest number of measles cases reported in the country since the elimination of the disease in 2000.

Measles in the United States

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 387 individual cases of measles were confirmed in the country during the three-month period from January 1 to March 28.

The highest number of measles cases reported since 2000 occurred in 2014.

The states with confirmed cases of measles are: Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Texas and Washington.

Six outbreaks are underway in Rockland Counties, New York State, New York, Washington State, Santa Cruz and Butte Counties, California, and New York State. Jersey. Epidemics are clbadified in the areas affected by at least three cases of contagious disease.

These outbreaks were attributed to travelers who visited countries with measles outbreaks, including Israel, the Philippines, and Ukraine.

Experts stress importance of vaccination

Measles is a highly contagious viral disease that spreads in the air.

CDC recommends the MMR vaccine, which protects an individual against three different diseases: measles, mumps and rubella. The vaccine is completely safe and effective: a single dose is 93% effective for measles prevention and two doses are 97% effective.

Prior to the launch of the measles vaccination program in 1963, 3 to 4 million people contracted measles each year in the United States. Since measles vaccine was introduced, the number of measles cases in the country has decreased by more than 99%.

However, unvaccinated persons are still at risk of contracting measles either by traveling or by contact with a traveler who has contracted the infection in another country where measles may still be common.

To prevent the spread of measles, Rockland County, New York, has already declared the state of emergency and banned unvaccinated minors from gaining access to the public space.

Measles, a growing problem around the world

According to NPR, there are two types of measles problems: inaccessibility to vaccine and vaccine hesitancy.

Countries such as Madagascar and Yemen are fighting the disease because of the unavailability of vaccines, whether due to price or location.

In contrast, there are richer countries such as the United States, Japan and many European countries. In these places, immunity has decreased because of people's reluctance to get vaccinated or to vaccinate their children.

Then there are countries like the Philippines, which suffer from hesitation and inaccessibility to vaccines.

"We will still have to maintain the immunity of the population for some time until we can reach high vaccination rates around the world, so that no one is in danger," he said. NPR Amesh Adalja of the Center for Sanitary Security of Johns Hopkins University. , adding that it's hard to keep the numbers down because it's so contagious. "And then, the anti-vaccinist movement has significantly delayed this effort."

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