Medical treatment to structure on the patient's genetic profile


Washington: A recent study could allow doctors to use the genetic profiles of patients to predict with great precision the appropriate treatment and prevention protocols, while also requiring greater inclusion of ethnic minorities.

Sandra Soo-Jin Lee, an anthropologist and bioethicist, said that to improve medical care, researchers need more data on the individual differences that make each person unique.

"Without involving underrepresented communities in genetic studies, efforts to advance the science of accuracy can summarize the inequities that are unfolding in health care and limit and skew research." The early stages of precision medicine provide a critical window into which to intervene before research practices and their consequences become entrapped, "said Lee in the study published in the Journal of Science.

Precision medicine relies on the collection of biological samples, electronic records and other sources of behavioral and environmental data, Lee said.

Diseases can be different in different ethnic groups. They may, for example, appear earlier, or progress faster or react differently to treatment.

The study will examine how these centers recruit participants and collect, measure and share data. It will also examine how they communicate the results of their research.

"We seek to see if there are any unintended consequences that would limit the ability of researchers to achieve recruitment goals in diversity, to address the social and biological causes of health disparities and to equitably distribute the benefits of precision medicine, "Lee said.

Lee warned that building a diverse genetic database could prove difficult. He also pointed out that, therefore, recruitment for diverse participation is not enough.

"An ethic of inclusion requires transparency and a culture of openness." Precision medicine studies must open to multidisciplinary teams including social scientists, ethicists and policy makers. policies, able to identify and implement practices respectful of the history and concerns of diverse populations – and to recognize where reform is needed, "she said.

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