Meet the African slave whose sense of mathematics shames whites ▷ Ghana news


It tells the story of Thomas Fuller, an African slave, about 400 years after his life, of his mathematical ingenuity that surprised even the slave owners of his time.

In 1710, a man who would call Thomas Fuller because of slavery was born. But Fuller's life would defy the very views that sought to keep him inferior to whites.

Often referred to as the "Virginia calculator", Fuller would be born between the "slave coast" of West Africa (present-day Liberia) and the Kingdom of Dahomey (Benin nowadays).

According to, Fuller was taken from his homeland during the slave race and sold to buyers. At the age of 14, Fuller was taken to colonial America in 1724.

He was illiterate in English but had a rare gift. the ability to give accurate and fast calculations to such an extent that supposedly superior whites were impressed.

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Fuller solved complex mathematical questions quickly and in his head.

Anti-slavery activists who even acknowledged his rare talent have used it to make it clear that blacks were not mentally inferior to whites.

Presley and Elizabeth Cox, two planters in northern Virginia, also used Fuller's talent for managing their plantation farm, located about six kilometers from Alexandria, Virginia.

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It was reported that once, he was asked how many seconds had lasted a year and a half and how many seconds had lived a man aged 70, 17 days and 12 hours?

When Fuller correctly answered 47 304 000 and 2 210 500 800 respectively, in less than two minutes each time, a white man raised an objection, claiming that his own calculations were much smaller.

White had apparently forgotten leap years.

In spite of all his genius, it is said that Fuller's skills came from experimental applications made throughout the farm, such as the counting of hairs in a cow's tail.

A path so modest to brilliance.

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