Meghan Markle does not want the Queen's doctors to give birth as they did for Kate Middleton


With the arrival of Baby Susbad coming in At home, many royal fans are curious about Meghan Markle's birth plan and whether or not she will follow the tradition of giving birth to the Lindo Wing at St Mary's Hospital. Although little is known about Markle's birth plan, a new rumor has it that Markle has no interest in Queen's doctors giving birth.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle arrive for a cooking demonstration in which children from disadvantaged backgrounds learn traditional Moroccan recipes from one of Morocco's greatest chefs at Villa des Ambbadadeurs.
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle | Tim P. Whitby – Pool / Getty Images

Markle would not want to call the Queen's doctors

According to a new report, Markle "gave a shocking shock" when she declared that she did not want the Queen's doctors to take care of the birth of her first child with Prince Harry .

A source told The Daily Mail: "Meghan said that she does not
want men in suits. She was adamant that she wanted her own people. It made
leave some of us a bit puzzled.

Another insider reportedly said, "It's a bit
surprising. These people [the Queen’s doctors] are the best of the best and
In the end, their role would actually be very limited in the
birth itself, baduming everything goes as planned. "

Does Markle have something against these doctors?

Alan Farthing and Guy Thorpe-Beeston (a high-risk birth specialist) do not know exactly why Markle would like to be treated by gynecologists, but she has appointed a female doctor to lead her delivery team.

Farthing and Thorpe-Beeston attended the arrival of all
three of Prince William's and Kate Middleton's children.

A source said that, of course, Markle and Prince Harry's
The birth plan is very personal and explains: "It is above all his birth,
her baby, and she must do everything that suits her. How can one judge
she for that?

The Daily Mail reports, however, that although Markle
his own team in place for the delivery of the baby, "in accordance with the protocol, the
Queen's doctors can not be completely excluded. "

The cost of having your own delivery team

Although Markle chooses to have his own delivery team, many critics point out that Queen's doctors do not charge fees; Prince Harry and Markle will have to pay an additional cost to hire a new team of specialists. thousands.

This additional cost will undoubtedly incite some people to fight, although a source told the Daily Mail that Queen's doctors are not offended at all, noting: "Nobody thought about it, even though it's really personal. "

Where will Meghan Markle give birth?

Markle also reportedly broke with the long tradition of childbirth in the Lindo Wing of St Mary's Hospital, with reports that she and Prince Harry would likely be welcoming Baby Susbad to a hospital closer to home. their home in Frogmore Cottage.

It is also believed that the couple will not pose for a photo with their new arrival like other royals, with a source explaining that Markle does not want to take pictures of their newborn "just because people think that she should do it ".

The source continues: "It is impossible to compare the Duchess of Cambridge to her Duchess because she is married to the future king. Although the focus is on Harry and Meghan for the moment, this is not going to last – especially as the kids in Cambridge grow up and become the core of the royal family. "

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