Meghan Markle helps Kate Middleton become a better royal


There are dozens of articles documenting the alleged
between the two most popular royal wives, Meghan Markle and Kate
Middleton. Royal fans spend hours badyzing their
body language
during various events, trying to prove that they secretly hate each other
other. But what if Meghan Markle does have a positive effect on the
Duchess of Cambridge?

It's true that these two women will probably never become best friends, even if it's supposedly what Prince Harry dreamed about. However, they can help each other in a difficult way of the royal life.

Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle
Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle | Frank Molter / alliance of photos via Getty Images

Kate Middleton has become more confident in her royal role

This could obviously be a coincidence. But royal fans can not
help but note that since Prince Harry married Meghan Markle, Kate Middleton
it's turned into a more confident and capable version of itself.

This reinvention could have something to do with the influence of Meghan Markle. The Duchess of Susbad is a declared activist who does not hesitate to promote causes that interest her, to say what she thinks and to break the royal protocol when it suits her (within reasonable limits ). This slightly rebellious side of Meghan Markle may have prompted Kate Middleton to do the same.

The Duchess of Cambridge is no longer the new girl

Prince William marrying Meghan Markle also had a second
positive effect
for Kate Middleton – this made her automatically the most veteran
Royal. Kate Middleton has been treated to some extent as a stranger
years before Markle's arrival, Prince Harry's wife has now automatically become
the less experienced newcomer. This gives Kate Middleton some authority.

This little detail helps Kate Middleton to be more sure of her actions,
which is translated by more confidence. Even if they are not the best
Kate Middleton naturally shows Meghan Markle how to behave like a
royal wife. His years of experience help him become a excellent

Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle have different destinies

Of course, there are more differences between Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle than similarities. The Duchess of Cambridge will occupy the highest office in the country alongside her future husband, Prince William. Meanwhile, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will remain in the same position and will probably try to preserve their privacy.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have spent a considerable amount of money
time trying to separate from the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.
The two brothers Split
royal offices
recently and now their charity efforts will be different,
as well. But no matter how different their paths are, royal fans will always think of
they like a happy foursome. Or a pair of conflicting couples.

The quarrel is mainly composed

Whether his conclusions are drawn from body language or rumors of
battles, rumors of a feud between Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton have
persisted over the last year. However, any animosity of these two women
each other has been set aside for the benefit of presenting a unified front.

If anything, Meghan Markle has a positive effect on Kate
Middleton! They may not be besties, but they can be friendly to each other
and use shared experiences as a way to bond and grow.

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