Meghana Rajadhyaksha gives an overview of the American Cancer Society and its contribution to cancer research


The American Cancer Society has been a major force in raising community awareness and fundraising for crucial medical research. Over the years, the American Cancer Society has been a philanthropic organization that has revolutionized public perception of cancer. Meghana Rajadhyaksha, a medical sales professional, reviews the history and goals of the American Cancer Society and offers suggestions to people wishing to contribute to her mission.

Since 1938, the Society has released more than $ 4 billion in research funding. For over a hundred years of existence, the Society has made incredible progress in cancer treatment. When the organization started in 1913, cancer was considered a death sentence because there were very few effective treatments. People did not often talk about cancer, which was considered an extremely sensitive topic.


In 1913, 10 doctors and 5 businessmen came together to form the American Society for the Fight Against Cancer. The initial purpose of the society was to foster public discussion of the dangers of cancer. They sought to break down the stigma experienced by patients and to give hope to those who had been diagnosed.

The doctors and professionals who founded the Society spent a lot of time spreading the latest medical knowledge about cancer. They wrote numerous articles for magazines and magazines that explored different types of cancer and looked at some of the new treatments being developed. The Society has also worked to recruit physicians to publicize their mission.

In 1928, the Society organized a poster contest to create its logo. The sword of hope has been chosen as the trademark of the Society. The sword featured the twin serpent design that symbolizes medical care. This symbol is still part of the Society's logo and represents the fighting spirit needed to fight the spread of cancer.

One of the most important developments in the history of the American Cancer Society has been the creation of the female field army. This well-organized group went to the public and spreads its message of awareness. They also participated in fundraising. Army fundraising has been much more effective than previous efforts of the Society. In 1938, more than 150,000 people participated in the fight against cancer and awareness. This incredible increase is due to the tireless work of the women's field army.


In 1946, the Society began its research program on the causes and treatments of cancer. By using this research money, doctors have begun making breakthroughs in the treatment of this deadly disease. The Society funded research on early chemotherapy, which plays a key role in the treatment of children with acute leukemia. These exciting developments would not have been possible without the financial support of the American Cancer Society.

Over the years, there have been many more innovations in the treatment of cancer. The American Cancer Society was the first to recognize that there was a serious link between smoking and cancer. He was instrumental in creating the famous report that the tobacco industry had hidden the cancer risk factors known in the creation of its marketing campaigns.

The Society has also ensured that people understand other cancer risk factors. The Society has supported the detection and treatment of dozens of types of cancer, including cervical cancer, leukemia and bad cancer.

Chemotherapy and surgery have become two important methods of fighting cancer. The Company has helped fund the development of essential drugs such as interferon and aminopterin.

Current developments

Currently, the American Cancer Society is focusing on genetic and lifestyle-related risks for cancer. Current research is beginning to help physicians understand how cancer risk varies across the world. The treatment of many types of cancer, such as bad cancer, liver cancer and lung cancer, is the focus of attention.

The Society is particularly focused on preventative lifestyle changes, which can help people avoid developing cancer as they get older. Obesity and inactivity have been badociated with a higher risk of many types of cancer. The Society's goal is to help people understand and reduce their risks.

Volunteer opportunities

The American Cancer Society has many initiatives that require volunteers and financial support. Their best-known fundraising vehicle is the Relay For Life, a one-day event that is held in many parts of the country. Cancer survivors and their supporters take donations to participate in the relay and commemorate the victims of cancer.

Meghana Rajadhyaksha emphasizes the importance of the American Cancer Society for promoting good health in the world. People with financial resources need to contribute and people who do not have resources can donate their time. This will help curb the spread of cancer.

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