Meningococcal disease claims the life of a baby from New England


A New England baby has died from a meningococcal infection, confirmed the local health district.

Hunter New England Health will not provide any information on the bad, age or location of the toddler hospitalization.

Public health physician David Durrheim said that it was a tragic event and that he presented his condolences to the toddler's family.

This is the fourth case of meningococcal infection in the Hunter New England area this year.

"Antibiotics have been prescribed to eliminate the child's contact with the meningococcus he is likely to carry and prevent further transmission," said Dr. Durrheim.

"Meningococcal infection can occur at any time of the year, but we usually see a peak in the spring after the winter flu season.

"Most cases occur in infants, young children, adolescents and young adults, although people of all ages can be affected."

Meningococcal infection is not easily transmitted.

It is spread through the secretions of the nose and throat of a person carrying the bacteria. Close and prolonged contact is necessary to transmit it.

What are the symptoms?

Meningococcal disease usually begins with the sudden onset of fever, often accompanied by headache, nausea, and drowsiness.

Neck stiffness, aversion to bright lights and an eruption of purplish-red spots or blues can develop rapidly. Infected babies may be irritable, do not feed properly, and have abnormal crying.

What protection is available?

Since last July, the Australian government has expanded infant protection as part of the national immunization program to include meningococcal A, W and Y, in addition to meningococcal C protection since 2003.

In addition, the Government of New South Wales is funding the ACWY meningococcal vaccine for older adolescents enrolled since 2017, in response to an increase in meningococcal W cases in recent years.

Only one free ACWY meningococcal vaccine was offered to grade 11-12 students in 2017 and 10th and 11th grade students in 2018.

The federal government has announced funding to continue this program.

People aged 15 to 19 who have not received the ACWY vaccine through the school program can visit their GP to receive a free vaccine.

The New South Wales government has invested $ 17 million in the W group meningococcal disease program and more than 200,000 adolescents have been vaccinated with the ACWY vaccine in the first two years of the program.

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