Message to reopen the Network of Informed Teachers


Notice of Saturday, January 16, 2021

Journalist: Moses Oppong Antwi


A file photo of a teacher in the classroom A file photo of a teacher in the classroom

Hello principals and assistants, head teachers and colleagues.

Without cognitive dissonance, I don’t suppose, but I am fully aware that you are all doing well.

My message this morning is to share with you a personal knowledge preserved since the resumption of classes today. For some this may not be new, but on deep reflection, I beg all of us on this platform to move on to the last sentence and the last word.

However, since knowledge is not the repository of one person, you can also share an idea related to this post to help us all in our teaching.

As this quarter / semester marks the start of a new academic calendar, newly trained teachers, releasing and moving teachers, NABCO teachers and service staff from various locations and backgrounds will join our individual schools as teachers. permanent and / or temporary teachers. It is therefore incumbent on us to initiate them as members of our school organization.

Although many of them have knowledge about the job. However, the environment and atmosphere surrounding their current school is / will be different from their old school.

The reason I am interested in sharing this piece is because I have observed, and well aware that the idea of ​​introducing new teachers to the culture of their new school is being relegated. This creates dissonance in the school system as ideas and philosophies become parallel due to the difference in the training context and the environmental difference.

So I believe that harmony in the school system can be achieved if school authorities appreciate the factors below and add to their experience:

New teachers for the most part face difficulties adapting to the prevailing school culture, gaining the appreciation of their colleagues and winning the love of their learners. Some are even internally forced to compete with more experienced teachers.

These difficulties create in some new teachers, stress, feelings of low personal effectiveness. This is all due to the lack of understanding of how the new school works. Therefore, school leaders should ensure a systematic support system for newly seconded teachers to help them integrate into a school’s culture.

It is necessary for each head of school to educate the newly assigned teachers under his responsibility to the standards and values ​​of the society in which the school is located. This will help to inform the teacher on how to live his life in order to integrate well into society.

School principals should orient new teachers on aspects of the different school rules for learners and facilitators, as well as on the school’s mission and goals with regard to education and the philosophy of the school. teaching of the school, which is a subset of the national educational philosophy.

Old teachers should establish a social and cordial interaction with new teachers. This will ensure a harmonious socialization of the new teacher in the school culture. Former teachers should make it imperative to create a space for “community practice”. There should be regular peer support mechanisms like peer teaching, mentoring, financial aid, food, etc. This will help to create a pleasant and mutual relationship between new and old teachers and they can work in a safe environment.

By doing all this, we will integrate the new teachers into the whole culture of the school, to ensure the achievement of an effective teaching and working atmosphere.

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