Michael Barrymore Health Last: Presenter Alcohol Dependence – Symptoms


Michael Barrymore, 67, has opened in recent years about his alcohol addiction and what helped him recover. In an interview with 5 News in 2014, the Strike it Lucky animator said that he had never drunk when he was working because of his dedication to work. But it was his dedication, his focus on work and success that made him drink. He revealed: "I was so dedicated and focused on my job – it was my addiction.

"When I succeeded, I had more time for myself. It's very difficult, you would take away my work, the thing I love that makes me move completely, 24 hours a day, I looked at myself and I said to myself, "Well, who am I? Who are you? "And I'm busy drinking it."

Michael remembers being in Southbank Studio and having recorded one of his shows. He was obsessed with the desire to go for a drink in his dressing room.

He was sad: "Then I really knew that I was in a bad place.

"You start creating situations where it's not normal – and the people who hear it will know something about it – where you say," I'm going to serve the drinks, "so that you're be responsible for drinks, not go anywhere for fear that there may not be enough alcohol when you get there, bringing four bottles to a party instead of ###################################################################### One and hiding it.

Another thing I used to do is to start a line to have an excuse. You're probably going to have a drink, that's normal. Someone like me would start around 4 pm in the afternoon, build the row, slam the doorway and leave "because you keep looking at me like that, I can not be here "- it has nothing to do with it, it's just for a drink. "

When asked what he had learned from his experience of alcohol addiction, Michael replied, "The only thing about the disease is the same for everyone, you're all on the same platform. I've had big houses, medium houses, there are small ones, and no matter how big the house or the amount of money you have, you'll always end up in the corner looking at the wall with a bottle … this point you went. "

Michael got help for his addiction to alcohol by going to rehab.

In 2012, during his convalescence, he revealed what had helped him to overcome this disease.

He said, "I would just come back from the last rehab … the guy over there said, 'If you spend as much time and effort on your recovery as your career, you can not be anything but really, really successful … and that really hit me.

"And I stayed in it, I went through all the terrors of the fear of being alone and, slowly, I simply changed.

"The problem is that nobody talks about it. The best remedy I have had psychiatrists, detox centers, the best remedy is to talk to another human being you trust, to find someone you trust. "

Dr. Nick Sheron, liver disease specialist at the University of Southampton, told the charity Drink Aware that alcohol addiction was very varied.

He explained, "At one end of the scale, you have slightly dependent people," he says. "This is the case of people who, for example, can not conceive a Friday night without having enough drinks to be a little intoxicated. At the other end, you have people where alcohol is more important than their job, their family, just about anything, including life. "

The charity describes the symptoms of alcohol addiction to watch for:

  • Be worried about where your next drink comes from and plan social, family and professional events around the alcohol
  • Find that you have a compulsive need to drink and that it is difficult to stop once you have started
  • Wake up and drink – or feel the need to have a drink in the morning
  • Feelings of anxiety, alcohol-related depression and suicidal feelings – these can develop because regular and excessive consumption of alcohol interferes with the neurotransmitters of our brain needed for good health mental
  • Suffering from physical withdrawal symptoms, such as sweating, tremors and nausea, which stop once you drink alcohol

If you have any concerns about your consumption of alcohol, talk to your doctor or call Alcoholics Anonymous UK, Al-Anon, Alcohol Concern, the Mental Health Foundation or Drinkline.

The numbers to call are available on the websites.

Trisha Goddard is another presenter who has talked about her health in the past.

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