Michelle Keegan answers the "horrible" questions of baby



2019 Press Association

Michelle Keegan

Michelle Keegan

Michelle Keegan expressed frustration at having to constantly ask her if she is going to have a baby just because she is a woman in her thirties.

The former Coronation Street star said her husband, Mark Wright, did not have to face the same questions and that made her "so frustrated".

Keegan called the interest of whether or not she would become a mother "everyone's obsession," saying to the Sun: "It's horrible.

Michelle Keegan and Mark Wright "data-title =" Michelle Keegan "data-copyright-holder =" PA Archive "data-copyright-notice =" PA Archive / PA Images "data-credit =" Ian West "data-usage-terms = "http://www.penarthtimes.co.uk/" srcset = "https://image.badets.pressbadociation.io/v2/image/production/46b98a244645f9deee78b1b211bd4d2dY29udGVudHNlYXJjaCwxNTY1TY230 from the city of Bulgaria https: //image.badets. pressbadociation.io/v2/image/production/46b98a244645f9deee78b1b211bd4d2dY29udGVudHNlYXJjaCwxNTY2NzI1ODI1/2.40774438.jpg?w=447 447w, https://image.badets.pressbadociation.io/v2/image/production/46b98a244645f9deee78b1b211bd4d2dY29udGVudHNlYXJjaCwxNTY2NzI1ODI1/2.40774438 .jpg? w = 894 894w "sizes =" (maximum width: 767px) 89vw, (maximum width: 1000px) 54vw, (maximum width: 1071px) 543px, 580px
Michelle Keegan and Mark Wright (Ian West / PA)

"It's like, you're 32. Do not you still have a baby?"

"People do not know if we are trying. They do not know the background of what is happening. This is the business of no other.

"These days, you should not ask such questions."

She added, "I am asked the question simply because I am a woman. But I'm immune to that now. It's like a reaction and as soon as I hear it, I get rid of everything, because it's nobody's business. "

Keegan, who is back on the screens of Sky One 's new comedy, Brbadic, said people were surprised to be able to live so long apart from Wright while she was in South Africa and that' s what happened next. she was filming the drama of the BBC Our Girl while he was working in Los Angeles.

She said, "Everyone was like, 'Oh my God, how did you manage? But again, because we are so used to working separately, it was good and we have FaceTime – you can be so close to your loved one. those without even being there now. "

Keegan and the former Esbad star, Wright, 32, got married in 2015.

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