Middlesex signs Ross Taylor for the cup of one day



Taylor is ready for some valuable training before the World Cup

Taylor ready for valuable training ahead of World Cup © Getty

Ross Taylor will spend a lot of time playing cricket at 50 in England before the 2019 World Cup, while Middlebad has announced his signing for the end of the Day Cup business.

The New Zealand drummer will make his Middlebad debut against Surrey at Oval on April 25 and is expected to be available for the last five games of the tournament as well as for the playoffs and semi-finals on May 10 and 12, if the Team must do it.

Taylor will not be available for the final on May 25 at Lord's, who will face the New Zealand World Cup pre-season match against India at Kennington Oval.

Taylor intervenes at a time when Middlebad will be deprived of those of Eoin Morgan and Paul Stirling in the second half of the tournament, his departure being due to national commitments as part of his focus for the event Lighthouse. Angus Fraser, general manager of cricket for Middlebad, is praised for the opportunity to fill that gap with a player of Taylor's caliber as "a real treat" for the club.

"Calendars before the World Cup in England and Ireland imply that Middlebad will be deprived of Eoin Morgan and Paul Stirling for more than half of the Cup on a Royal London day. Eoin and Paul are excellent day cricketers and resources because of their absence during the 2nd half of the tournament.

"Having the opportunity to fill those gaps with a player of the undisputed clbad of Ross is a real treat for the club." He is an exceptional cricketer and a cracking man, and we are looking forward to To welcome at Lord's in a few weeks, "Fraser said.

Taylor arrives at the club in the middle of his biggest purple ODI patch, averaging 68.86 since the 2015 World Cup. During that time, he played in 59 ODIs, scoring 2892 points with 8,100 and 17,50. Stunning average is only the second best position after 78.29 points for Virat Kohli in the same period of time.

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