Minister of Health says options on Brexit are shrinking


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The options for Brexit "are narrowing," Health Secretary Matt Hanbad said after MPs voted to take control of the parliamentary calendar.

The Prime Minister received another blow as the government was defeated by 27 votes Monday on a plan designed to determine the type of agreement that MPs would support.

Thirty Conservative MPs rebelled, including three ministers.

Hanbad said the government would listen to MPs but "can not commit in advance to what he voted for".

He told Radio 4's Today show that the Commons had rejected no deal and a second referendum, and urged MPs to support the Prime Minister's agreement on Brexit.

Jacob Rees-Mogg, president of the European Research Group (ERG), a group of Eurosceptic deputies, is part of the group of Brexit-backed MPs that the prime minister is trying to convince to support his project.

In his ConservativeHome podcast, he said: "I've always thought that no agreement is better than Ms. May's, but that Ms. May's is better than her absence."

But Democratic trade unionists, whose 10 MPs support May's government, have urged conservative Tory Brexiteers to remain "firm" in their opposition to the Prime Minister's agreement unless "significant changes" occur.

Sammy Wilson, their Brexit spokesperson, said it was best to extend the negotiations for one year rather than accepting the proposed offer as this would allow the UK "to have a say in the issues that concern us during this period".

"It is surely a better strategy than being locked up in the withdrawal contract prison with the key to the cell door in Michel Barnier's pocket," he wrote in the Daily Telegraph.

Ministerial resignations

On Monday night, MPs voted in favor of the multi-party amendment by Conservative MP Sir Oliver Letwin, which will allow MPs to present motions on Brexit – most likely a series of supposedly indicative votes.

As a result, MEPs will vote on Wednesday on a number of options – likely to include a "softer Brexit", a customs union with the EU and another referendum – designed to test the Parliament's willingness to see what, if any. , command a majority.

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