Minister of Purchasing calls for tougher sanction for corrupt officials


General News of Monday, July 15, 2019



ADWOA SAFO CAUCAS Sarah Adwoa Safo, Minister of State for Public Procurement

State Minister for Public Procurement, Sarah Adwoa Safo, said that corruption should become a high-risk activity to carry out the "Ghana Beyond Aid" initiative.

Officials who are held responsible for the act, she added, should be severely punished in order to deter others.

She deplored the alarming amount of resources and income lost as a result of corruption and poor procurement.

The minister, also the parliamentary majority leader in Parliament, made this suggestion in a welcome speech she delivered on Saturday at a workshop in Koforidua on the leadership of Parliament and some parliamentary committees on public procurement .

Organized under the auspices of the Ministry of Public Procurement, the theme of the workshop was "Strengthening Parliamentary Control Through Government Procurement".

According to her, 80% of the negative conclusions presented in the Auditor General's report are irregularities in public procurement.

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