Minister of Tourism commemorates 41st World Tourism Day


Dr Ibrahim Mohammed Awal with other dignitaries Dr Ibrahim Mohammed Awal with other dignitaries

The Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture, Dr Ibrahim Mohammed Awal, has tasked the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) to help mobilize Covid-19 vaccines to support vaccination efforts in member countries.

He said that as the coordinating body for the promotion of TOURISM globally, UNWTO is in the best position to convince developed countries to provide appreciable quantities of vaccines to support the global immunization campaign, by especially in less developed countries.

Dr Awal made this appeal when he spoke at the 41st World Tourism Day held in Abidjan-Côte d’Ivoire, under the theme: “Tourism for inclusive growth” on Monday.

According to the Minister of Tourism, the cost and availability of vaccines were far beyond the means of most developing countries and therefore the need for UNWTO to spearhead efforts to help developing countries. development to acquire more vaccines.

“Covid-319 has had a devastating impact on livelihoods and jobs around the world and it is time for nations to support each other to minimize the effects of the pandemic and spur economic growth.”

Dr Awal said the President of the Republic of Ghana, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, has pledged to ensure that 20 million Ghanaians are vaccinated against Covid-19 by the end of this year.

He added that in addition to ensuring that many Ghanaians are vaccinated against Covid-19, the government of Ghana is enforcing Covd-19 protocols.

Referring to the Beyond Return project, the minister urged Africans in the diaspora to travel to Ghana and connect to their routes.

“Ghana is one of the most peaceful countries in Africa, with a favorable investment climate and proactive leadership,” he said.

The Prime Minister of Côte d’Ivoire, Mr. Patrick Jerome Achi, who opened the celebration of World Tourism Day, said the pandemic has had a devastating effect on the global economy, including Côte d’Ivoire. Ivory.

According to him, international tourist arrivals have declined by more than 65% and have affected income generation and job creation in the country.

He therefore called on the World to work together to ensure the revitalization of the Tourism sector.

For his part, UNWTO Secretary General Zurab Pololikashvili said that achieving inclusion requires political and economic commitment and action to invest in people and places where it will make a real difference.

Mr. Pololikashvili explained that inclusiveness means that everyone with an interest in tourism should also have a say in the future of the sector.

He said political commitment is evident in the large ministerial representation of ministers at the celebration which he said was the highest on record for an official celebration of World Tourism Day.

“This is very encouraging and confirms that the need for an inclusive policy is a shared priority for our sector,” said Mr. Pololikashvili.

Mr. Siandou Fofana, Minister of Tourism and Recreation of Côte d’Ivoire stressed the need for African countries in particular to remove the barriers that hinder travel within the continent.

This, he noted, will not only improve trade and investment on the continent, but also lead to the growth of tourism.

He thanked UNWTO for choosing Côte d’Ivoire to host this year’s celebration.

The event brought together tourism ministers and other key players in the tourism sector from countries such as Gambia, Spain, Mali, Niger, Tanzania, Togo and DR. Congolese.

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