Ministers with "girlfriends" need to be careful – Allotey Jacobs about the RTI bill


General News of Wednesday, March 27, 2019



Clear Allotey Jacobs play the videoBernard Allotey Jacobs, former president of the NDC Central Region

Bernard Allotey Jacobs, former president of the central region of the National Democratic Congress (NEC) and now a commentator in the social field, advised civil servants in general and ministers and government appointees, in particular, to show more of caution and mistrust, in particular (RTI) bill was pbaded.

According to him, state officials eager to escort their girlfriend's hotels must give up this practice. that is, it is the government that weighs on the bill, since every action will be reviewed under the ITRs.

"If someone takes his girlfriend to a hotel, and maybe the government weighs on the bill, and that person is a minister, you can imagine what will happen … I know what I These secret lives should be careful, "he added.

Allotey Jacobs was reacting to the adoption of the RTI bill by Parliament on Tuesday, March 26 during a panel discussion on the Wednesday edition of Peace FM's morning show, & ### 39; & # 39 ;. Kokrokoo

The bill that gives substance to Article 21 (1) (f) of the Constitution, which provides that "Everyone has the right to information, subject to the qualifications and laws necessary for a democratic society" has been adopted following its completion. stage of the study after several changes of policy, amendments and months of rigorous debate in badembly.


The RTI is a fundamental human right guaranteed by the Constitution of 1992 and recognized as such by the international conventions on human rights.

It was written for the first time in 1999 under former president Jerry John Rawlings.

Various lobby groups were formed to pbad this bill immediately in 2002 and were reviewed in 2003, 2005 and 2007.

In its electoral manifestos of 2008 and 2012, the National Democratic Congress (NDC) promised to ensure that the bill was pbaded. In 2010, it was presented to Parliament for consideration.

Following the dissolution of the sixth parliament of the fourth republic and the inauguration of the new parliament in January 2017, the bill had to be re-introduced by the new government.

That was done and the bill caught the attention of the House, but not without CSO lobbying for quick action.

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