Ministry of Gender Equality Initiates Census of School Canteen Leaders | Social


The Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare launched a staffing exercise to monitor School Feeders caterers to streamline their operations.

Ms. Cynthia M. Morrison, Area Minister who was present at Agona Swedru to attend the exercise, said the complaints and anomalies that characterized the program in the various districts needed to be corrected.

The school feeding program was one of the social interventions created to help unemployed women in various communities and to increase enrollment in primary schools, especially in rural areas.

The minister lamented that some caterers have more than two schools and others without jobs. He explained that the purpose of the exercise was to provide a level playing field to more female caterers.

Ms. Morrison stated that the purpose was not to frustrate the caterers or to dismiss someone, but to ensure that those who owned three or more schools were handing out the supplements to others who did not. Had no gainful employment to help them support their children and their families.

The caterers from East and West Gomoa, East and West Agona, Asikuma-Odoben-Brakwa, West Mfantseman, Ajumako-Enyan-Essiam, Effutu, East Awutu Senya and West Awutu Senya were counted.

The minister has asked MMDCEs and other government appointees to leave the school feeding program for unemployed women in their area.

Ms. Morrison urged the school feeding coordinators to perform their work effectively to avoid payment disparities.

She said the central region had been divided into two areas to allow the ministry to carry out the exercise of enumeration and that it would be replicated in schools in every district and municipality of the country.

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