Ministry of Mental Health and Wellness


As part of the implementation of the National Health Strategy (NHS) 2018-2022, the Ministry of Public Health has developed a plan to promote mental health and well-being and to improve the health of people. access to mental health services, with a national goal ensuring that 40% of services are delivered in primary and community settings by 2022.
The plan, which is already in its implementation phase, aims to increase awareness of mental health in order to reduce stigma. To do this, national surveys of mental health attitudes and awareness, training programs on children's mental health for families, health professionals and health service providers. Education will be developed, as well as drug prevention campaigns.
In addition, the plan aims to improve access to integrated mental health services in primary and community settings, which do not suffer from the stigma often badociated with psychiatric facilities, in order to allow individuals to have access to mental health services. access the services of traditional health facilities.
"There is a lot to be done to change mindsets and to ensure that negative views about mental illness are replaced by a much greater understanding of the importance of mental health and well-being. It is very difficult to eliminate the stigma often badociated with mental health and our national health strategy has begun to address it, "said Iain Tulley, National Priority Population Leader NHS 2018 Mental Health and Well-Being -2022.
There are more and more people with mental health problems around the world. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), one in four people will suffer from a mental illness at some point in their life. In Qatar, a recent survey of visitors to primary health care centers showed that the percentage of adults with at least one type of mental disorder matches the
international percentage.
Key stakeholders in Qatar's health sector, including the Ministry of Public Health, Hamad Medical Corporation, Primary HealthCare Corporation and Naufar, have worked together to develop a sound plan for this priority population.
Work is underway to implement the Mental Health Act, which was enacted in 2016. This law protects the rights of people with mental illness and their families and will be overseen by an independent authority that will oversee the mental health. ;law application. Appropriate training will be provided to health professionals to enable and ensure consistency and conformity of service delivery to achieve better outcomes for those with access to mental health services. .
Another priority is to better understand the prevalence of mental health problems in Qatar to ensure that services can be developed and adapted to the needs of different countries.
population groups.
The NHS 2018-2022 National Development Strategy 2018-2022 is one of eight sectoral strategies aimed at achieving Qatar's 2030 Vision for Improving the Health of the People of Qatar through a Health System. integrated, managed according to global principles ". clbad standards, designed to meet the needs of present and future generations. "
The strategy was launched under the theme "Our Health, Our Future" and reflects a global shift in thinking by adopting a population health approach. It identifies seven priority population groups and five priority areas to target system-wide.
HE Hanan Mohamed al-Kuwari, Minister of Public Health, appointed 12 leaders of the National Health Strategy to lead the planning and implementation of the 12 priorities of the strategy. (QNA)

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