Mixed stocks in US-China trade negotiations


Market participants are closely following the latest developments in discussions between US and Chinese officials over the protracted trade dispute between the two countries.

White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow said on Wednesday that Washington and Beijing had "moved forward" in the direction of a trade deal. According to Bloomberg, China will have until 2025 to meet its commitments to purchase commodities and allow US companies to 100% hold Chinese companies under the deal.

President Donald Trump is scheduled to meet Chinese Vice Premier Liu He in Washington on Thursday.

Elsewhere, Brexit is another area of ​​concentration for investors. UK lawmakers approved a bill on Wednesday banning Prime Minister Theresa May to call for a postponement of Brexit to prevent Britain from leaving the EU on April 12 without reaching an agreement.

The data indicates that German factory orders fell by 4.2% in February, marking their biggest drop since January 2017. Another new data, the German PMI print for the March construction sector is expected to be released more late in the morning.

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