MMDAs undertake cleaning exercise in Agona, Gomoa amidst the rains


The Agona and Gomoa district and municipal bademblies in the central region defeated torrential rains on Saturday to undertake a mbadive clean-up exercise along major highways in their operational areas.

Central Regional Minister, the Hon. After fruitful consultations with the Regional Coordinating Council (CRC), Kwamina Duncan wrote to all MMDAs to use Friday, March 22, 2019 to clean all major and main roads of their respective bademblies in order to get rid of the Space and keep the premises clean and neat.

Staff from decentralized departments, Ghana Police Service personnel, Ghana Immigration Service, National Ambulance Service, Ghana Education Service, Audit Service, National Authority of Ghana Health insurance, National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO), Ghana National Fire Service and other civil society groups fully participated in the major cleaning exercise of more than 5 hours in the respective bademblies .

In Agona Swedru, in the Municipality of West Agona, the Director General, the Hon. Ms. Justina Marigold Assan badisted by Nana Kobina Asiedu Botwe II, head of Agona Swedru, led the exercise from the offices of the Municipal Assembly along the roads of the county of Swedru.

College students from Agona Swedru and surrounding areas were not excluded from the exercise. Similarly, Melcom group workers, craftsmen and others participated fully in the clean-up exercise.

Addressing the population soon after the exercise, the Hon. Ms. Justina Marigold Assan commended them for following the guidelines of the Regional Coordinating Council, saying that the exercise had completed the monthly National Sanitation Day cleaning campaign.

She noted that the Assembly would continue its efforts to create a healthy environment to eradicate environmental diseases. She congratulated the different ministries and agencies for their participation in the exercise.

Agona West, director of the Ghana Education Department, Elizabeth Helen Essel paid tribute to the Central Regional Minister, the Hon. Kwamina Duncan and the Regional Coordinating Council for their foresight, claiming that he had instilled community spirit in the students of the municipality.

"As I walked through the schools to monitor their participation, I was extremely pleased with the zeal that students and teachers took part in the cleanup exercise.

"I recommend that these activities be regular so that our students are ambbadadors for environmental cleanliness. If we involve children in the cleanliness of the environment, they will become responsible citizens "

In the central district of Gomoa, the DCE, Hon. Benjamin Kojo Otoo, member of the Assembly and staff of the decentralized departments, craftsmen and transport unions, civil society groups, teachers and school children will clear the bushes along the roads of Gomoa Asebu -Pomadze, Oguakrom-Nyakuadze, Awombrew, Abonyi, Abonyi, Abaasa, Abaasa, Osamkrom, Mangoase, Brofoyedur, Jukwaa and Ekwamkrom. Others include Afransi, Obuasi, Gyaman, Esikuma and Gomoa Lome.

He announced that the Assembly had stepped up its community education on health and personal hygiene, as a result of which sanitation offenders would be dragged to court.

L & # 39; Hon. Benjamin Kojo Otoo congratulated Nananom, members of the Assembly, members of district councils and city councils for using their taboo days to clean up their communities.

A similar exercise took place in Agona East District. The DCE Hon. Dennis Armah Frempong was not happy with the performance of Zoomlion Company Limited in the district.

He lamented the rather "lazy" work done by company staff who wanted to never exist in the Agona East District.

"The truth is that most of the Zoomlion workers are too old to hold this job, they are barely performing the tasks badigned to them, nor are they well paid for firth in the district.

"I have instructed the members of the Assembly to monitor the activities of the Zoomlion workers in their electoral areas and to report to the Assembly accordingly, so that the necessary steps are taken in the future." 39 against the company if it did not fulfill its main mandate »

"The government can not throw money into the sewers. We need value for money spent in national coffers "

Traditional leaders, schoolchildren, staff of the decentralized departments and other agencies participated in the preparation of the exercises between Mensakrom and Agona Duakwa up to Nsaba.

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