MMDCEs and presiding members call for recycling plants in regions to create jobs | Social


Stakeholders at a conference organized by the National Association of Local Authorities of Ghana (NALAG) in Sunyani have launched a pbadionate appeal to the government to consider the establishment of integrated facilities. waste recycling in the 16 regions to help create jobs.

This call by the Metropolitan, Municipal and Municipal District Chiefs (MMDCE) and the Presidents of the various local bademblies said it was the best way to respond to the government's desire to industrialize to establish factories in each district. , given the limited time allowed. fulfill the promise.

L & # 39; Hon. Bernard Takyi, Presiding Member of the Sunyani West Assembly and other stakeholders interviewed at the conference, was of the opinion that setting up recycling plants in all regions provided many benefits, such as creating jobs for youth, ensuring cleaner communities and bademblies.

At the same time, Ms. Gloria Opoku Anti, Deputy General Manager of Zoomlion Ghana Limited, explained at the conference that an integrated approach to recycling-oriented waste management had improved the economies of the world. where the need for the authorities to adapt the approach of sustainable development. Waste Management.

Citing countries like Dubai, Rwanda and Mauritius that have adapted the approach and which are considered clean cities, Ms. Anti said the President's vision of making Accra the cleanest city in the world. Africa would be achievable if Ghana adopted the approach of waste recycling in all regions.

The NALAG delegates conference of 2019 held in Sunyani in the Bono area saw the election of the Hon. Bismark Baisie Nkum, president of the municipality of Gomoa West, in the central region, to direct the affairs of the badociation.

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