Moderate consumption of alcohol "could be important for brain health"


Research has shown that moderate consumption of alcohol can contribute to a diet with better results for memory abilities at the average age.

The diet also focused on the consumption of low-fat fruits, legumes, vegetables, dairy products and fish and on the prevention of unhealthy common foods.

An academic from Queen's University in Belfast has published the study.

Queens University in Belfast
Queens University in Belfast (Paul Faith / PA)

Claire McEvoy said, "It's possible that moderate drinking as part of a healthy diet is important for middle-aged brain health, but further research is needed to confirm these results."

The researchers found that after 30 years of follow-up, people with high membership in the Mediterranean diet were 46% less likely to have poor thinking and memory skills compared to people with low adherence .

The study also shows that people with high diets, favoring moderate consumption of alcohol and limiting fried foods, salty snacks or high-fat dairy products, were less able to think and memorize only people with a low compliance rate.

It was published in the online issue of Neurology, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.

Dietary habits in adulthood and cognitive performance at midlife The CARDIA study #Neurology

– Journal of Neurology (@GreenJournal) April 3, 2019

The lead author was Dr. McEvoy from the Institute for World Food Security at the university, while Kristine Yaffe from the University of California at San Francisco was the lead author.

Dr. McEvoy added, "Our results indicate that maintaining good dietary practices in adulthood can help preserve brain health at midlife."

The study was conducted on 2,621 people in the American Cardia study (development of coronary risk in young adults), averaging 25 years of age, and followed for 30 years.

They were asked questions about their diet at the beginning of the study and twice, after seven and twenty years.

Dr. McEvoy added, "Although we do not yet know the ideal dietary model for brain health, moving to a heart-healthy diet could be a relatively easy and effective way to reduce the risk of developing bad-feeding problems. thought and memory as we grow older. "

The NHS recommends not to regularly drink more than 14 units of alcohol a week.

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