Mom & # 39; Selfless & # 39; died of a cerebral aneurysm after ignoring the symptoms


Judy Thorburn (left) died after an aneurysm rupture in the brain (photo: GoFundMe / Lindsey Thorburn)
Judy Thorburn (left) died after an aneurysm rupture in the brain (photo: GoFundMe / Lindsey Thorburn)

A mother of two died of a cerebral aneurysm after ignoring her symptoms for months, thinking that it was only about migraines.

Judy Thorburn, 59, died of a ruptured cerebral aneurysm on July 1 after ignoring migraines and persistent headaches or several months.

Her daughter is now trying to become aware of this disease in hopes that it can save someone else's life.

Lindsey Thorburn has launched a GoFundMe page in order to raise money for a shipment for her mother, all the remaining money to be donated to the Brain Aneurysm Foundation.

"We want to raise awareness of what happened because her death could have been avoided," she said. "And if his story can save one person, his death will not have been in vain."

Judy Thorburn had headaches for months, but reduced her to stress or work (Photo: Lindsey Thorburn)
Judy Thorburn had headaches for months, but reduced her to stress or work (Photo: Lindsey Thorburn)

Lindsey, of Wolverhampton, in the West Midlands, said her mother had been suffering from frequent migraines for several years, but that their condition had recently worsened.

"Over the past few months, these migraines have become more and more consistent and consistent, her memory is going away, she would be sick and would sometimes hide in a dark room until she got sick." disappear, "she said.


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"After 24 hours and some painkillers, she would get back to normal and we would think about it no more, until next time."

But on Sunday, June 30, Lindsey was back from Blackpool with her partner when she could not reach her mother.

Lindsey described her mother as
Lindsey describes her mother as "disinterested" (Photo: Lindsey Thorburn)

She went to Judy's place and found her mother upstairs.

"I could hear her mumbling, she was still awake and trying to talk to me. She had a huge bruise on her head and she was sick.

"She said that she had a migraine, but I said," This is not a migraine "."

Lindsey and her 32-year-old sister Kirsty called an ambulance and while the paramedics were testing, Judy had another bad ride and was taken to the Wolverhampton hospital.

The doctors discovered that she had had a brain bleed and transferred her to the Birmingham hospital where she was operated on to relieve the swelling of her brain.

"While we were waiting to see her move to the intensive care unit, she had a third bleed," Lindsey said.

"At this point, the doctors told us that they did not think she would survive it. His brain was pronounced dead at 3:23 pm the next day.

Lindsey said that her sister and sister had found a letter from her doctor to her mother dated February inviting her to a checkup, but that her mother had not left.

She added that they were wondering if her mother was gone. Doctors may have discovered a problem and were able to prescribe medication or surgery.

"Instead, this silent killer took away a wonderful, bright light and destroyed an entire family, leaving them in total darkness," she wrote on her GoFundMe page.

An aneurysm is a bulge in a blood vessel caused by weakness of the blood vessel wall.

According to the NHS website, most cerebral aneurysms cause noticeable symptoms until they burst, causing an extremely serious condition called subarachnoid hemorrhage.

Symptoms may include a sudden distressing headache described as a "thunderclap headache," stiff neck, sickness, and vomiting and light pain.

Lindsey described her mother as a helpful, caring, altruistic woman who had worked all her life and said she was touched by the flood of support that followed her death.

"In fact, she was so generous and caring that after making the difficult decision to donate her organs, my sister and I had saved the lives of four people by offering what we can only describe as one of the most magical gifts in the world.

"She gave hope and happiness to four families and we could not be more proud of her for that."

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