Mom of 40 says that there is no excuse to be fat after losing 20 kg


There is no excuse for being fat – that's what a challenging mother for her age said after transforming her lifestyle and body.

Shannon Collins seems to have decades younger than her 40 years after completely changing her diet several years ago.

Now, the American mother of two is trying to motivate other women to be as beautiful as she is.

Unhealthy habits

Shannon said she regularly addressed comfort, consuming sweet treats and greasy foods to flourish as a nurse while she was the owner. a pizzeria with her husband and took care of their two daughters.

She became over 12 kg heavier than when she was pregnant.

But since she discovered the trend of macroc followed in the diet, the mother of two has lost about 13 kg and transformed her body.

When she was younger, Shannon, a native of Indianapolis, said that she could eat what she would like, but that after having her children, that did not happen. that add to its weight during pregnancy.

"My bad habits continued after having children and caught up with me in their thirties," Shannon said.

"My life as a parent, a restaurateur and a nurse has allowed me to comfort myself in food."

After having her daughters, Shannon stated that she had never completely lost all her weight during pregnancy and that she was slowly gaining weight each year.

She was at its peak in 2015 and had the impression of being let go and eating everything that was hanging out.

"The stress of my job, owning a pizzeria with (my husband) Chris, who worked all the time, all of this brought me to eat what suited me," she said.

"I was constantly eating fast food, fatty meals and ice cream.

"We also ate a lot at the restaurant because we were very busy and I love pizzas, french fries and donuts."


In 2015, Shannon weighed 72 kg – 16 kg more than when she was nine months pregnant.

This achievement prompted her to get in shape in early 2016 by paying attention to everything she's eaten.

At first, Shannon tried a low-carb diet – focusing on high-protein foods and vegetables and cutting pasta, bread, chips and sweets.

In three months she had lost 3 kg.

"I started training four times a week, doing cardio and a little weight, which I was afraid to try, but I had read that the weights helped fat loss, "she said.


After about three months, Shannon said something incredible had happened.

"A colleague asked me if I was losing weight and I was happy," she said.

"Between 2016 and 2018, I lost about 12 kg, which made me so happy."

But the nurse's diet was not viable and she was soon again greedy for unhealthy snacks.

By 2018, she was almost back to square one.

Last August, Shannon discovered Mac counting on Instagram and decided to try it out.


Nine months later, Shannon now weighs 59 kg and has gone from size 12 to size 6.

She said that she felt better than ever.

"At first, I was scared and I did not think I had the discipline to follow all my food and eat more carbohydrates and less fat," she said.

"Diet is so important because you can spend hours at the gym, but if you do not eat with a calorie deficit, you will never lose weight."

According to Shannon, a balanced diet and knowing how much calories her body needs greatly facilitates weight management.

"It allowed my body to respond well," she said.

"I'm so proud of myself and I feel like I have the best of my life."

On her Instagram account, Shannon claims to spend six days a week in the gym and training between 90 and 120 minutes per session.

She also has a very healthy diet "90% of the time, following macros almost every day".

"Nothing is easy, nothing fast, lots of patience, consistency and will," she said.

Shannon wants to show others that they can achieve the body of their dreams at any age.

She thinks that despite 40 years old, she is still 20 years old.

Shannon is now blogging on her health and fitness journey on social media and has gathered more than 14,700 followers on Instagram.

His hope is to prove that age is not an obstacle to health and to health.

"It's not because you're a mom in your forties or fifties that your body can not look like your twenty years, maybe even better," she said.

This article was originally published on The Sun and has been reproduced with permission.

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