Mom who was "seconds of death" lost THREE LITERS of blood after giving birth


A Scottish mother nearly died a few hours after giving birth after losing three liters of blood after suffering a postpartum hemorrhage.

Lisa Campbell, 32, could not wait to be mom after a happy pregnancy.

But having welcomed Dylan into the world, with his partner James Clougherty, 28, she was "second of death".

Lisa became ill after her belly did not contract properly and began to lose consciousness.

Lisa got sick after her belly did not contract as it should

She had to undergo a vital blood transfusion at the maternity ward at Queen Elizabeth University in Glasgow.

Lisa from Clydeband, West Dunbartonshire, said: "I heard this gushing water and I thought maybe it was gas and air.

"I remember saying, someone must take Dylan, I do not feel good.

"Dylan was given to James and the next thing I knew was that the room was full of people.

"I had an oxygen mask and it was very fuzzy, but I remember shooting it and telling it, okay?" He beckoned. they were fine.

"I turned around and remember thinking do not close your eyes Lisa or you will not wake up

"I do not know how long I stayed there, but after a while the room started to empty and I found Dylan.

"They started picking up the sheets from the trash and I noticed the blood, but I thought it was normal."

Once the baby is born, the uterus normally continues to contract and expel the placenta.

Lisa Campbell almost died after giving birth to her son Dylan

After delivery of the placenta, these contractions help compress the blood vessels in the area where the placenta was attached.

If the uterus does not contract strongly enough, these blood vessels bleed freely and hemorrhage occurs.

Speaking of her blood transfusion, Lisa said, "When my placenta came out, my uterus did not contract back, so my body continued to run the blood as if the baby was still in it. 39; inside.

"One of the doctors noticed that the ring was ringing and asked for help.

"I was told that if it had not come or if another emergency had occurred, I would not be here.

Lisa had to undergo a vital blood transfusion at the maternity ward of Queen Elizabeth University in Glasgow

"Apparently, what happened was rare but the care I received was fantastic from start to finish – I will never thank them enough."

Lisa was ten days late when she began to notice a lack of movement on the part of baby Dylan and was taken to the hospital.

She said, "My pregnancy was amazing, I felt brilliant.

"I could not wait for work.

"I work in Glasgow Pram Center and the customers said to themselves" What? "But I was so excited.

"He had to give birth on April 16, but ten days later, on the 26th, I was at the dentist and I did not have enough movement, so I called the hospital and they told me they were going to convince me. "

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Main reports of Mirror Online

Lisa spoke before National Birth Awareness Week, which runs until July 14th.

After the birth of Dylan, now two years old, Lisa had tears of tears and suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder.

The Birth Trauma Association estimates that one-third of mothers experience some kind of traumatic response to childbirth.

Lisa, who received help from the hospital's on-site counseling service, said: "I was very upset because I thought I might not have been there to give him his bottle. "

Kim Thomas, of the Birth Trauma Association, said many women find it difficult to have their birth trauma recognized by health professionals.

She said: "Every year we are contacted by hundreds of women who have had a traumatic birth and who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder.

"Many of them have struggled to get their disease recognized by health professionals.

"We would much rather see the diagnosis and treatment of a disease that can have a devastating impact on women's lives."

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