Monero developers confirm bug fix that caused users to lose balances in general ledger portfolio


The developers of Monero (XMR) corrected a bug involving the hardware wallet of cryptocurrency, which gave the impression that users' funds were gone, he confirmed on social media on April 8th.

Reported at the beginning of March, the bug, which originally was seen by Ledger as a synchronization problem, was discovered when a user's balance did not react to an incoming transaction.

The problem only affected those who used Ledger Nano S devices to access their XMR wallet. Since this week, the problem has been officially solved by the publication of a patch provided by developers Luigi1111 and Monero's stoffu.

The amount alleged to have been lost in the initial red flag transaction is 1,680 XMR (approximately US $ 115,000), raising concerns about a major defect. In the end, says Monero, the number of portfolios involved was minimal.

"A few weeks ago, some Ledger Monero users were affected by a bug in Ledger Monero's code. Due to the bug, a handful of transactions were built by mistake and the wallet was not able to detect (and credit) the change, thus letting the user believe that his funds were lost Now reads a summary of the patch on Reddit.

The summary continues:

"Fortunately, in collaboration with the general ledger team, we were able to resolve this problem and recover the" lost "funds from affected users."

In the future, Monero promised to revise the Ledger Monero code more rigorously, adding tests in a format similar to the one currently used for the Trezor hardware wallet.

"This, hopefully, will ensure that none of these bugs will be present in the future," adds the summary.

Monero is a privacy-focused altcoin that currently ranks thirteenth among the top 20 market capitalization crypto-currencies.

Its anonymity features have made it a favorite for privacy-conscious people, but they have also appealed to cybercriminals, who have developed malware to secretly exploit them on users' computers.

Last week,, a service that allowed Bitcoin users (BTCs) to increase the confidentiality of their own transactions using XMR, removed support for US residents due to problems of conformity.

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