Monster Hunter: World: Update 5.2 Release and High Resolution Texture Pack for PC


For the PC version of Monster Hunter: World, the 5.2 update and the high resolution texture pack have been released. Downloading the high resolution texture pack requires almost 30GB on Steam. The 5.2 update itself is almost 700 MB.

The high resolution texture pack requires at least 8GB of graphics memory with its high-resolution textures. High resolution textures do not display correctly without sufficient graphics memory. If the package is downloaded (on the Steam page), the quality of the texture can be adjusted accordingly in the "Advanced Graphics Settings" (Main Menu> Options> Display). The following images are meant to illustrate the quality of the new textures (especially the armor).

Screen Capture – Monster Hunter: World (PC)

Screen Capture – Monster Hunter: World (PC)

Screen Capture – Monster Hunter: World (PC)

Screen Capture – Monster Hunter: World (PC)

Screen Capture – Monster Hunter: World (PC)

Screen Capture – Monster Hunter: World (PC)

Screen Capture – Monster Hunter: World (PC)

Screen Capture – Monster Hunter: World (PC)

Update 5.2 also adds "TAA + FXAA" as an anti-aliasing option and another type of mouse control.

Change Log:

  • Option "TAA + FXAA" for anti-aliasing in advanced graphics settings. Select Main Menu> Options> Display> Advanced Graphics Settings to change the setting.
  • Added an indicator to the "Advanced Graphics Settings" menu that tells you how much PC VRAM you need with the currently selected settings.
  • If you select "Take All" on the reward screen after completing a quest, a list of all received items is now displayed.
  • A new type of mouse control has been added that rarely manages to inadvertently move when you control the camera's focus with the mouse.
  • With the newly added Type 2, you can switch between monster parts by holding down the Viewfinder button and using the scroll wheel when you have a target monster. In this type, the focus camera also takes longer to dissolve. Select Start Menu> System> Options> Control to customize the controller.
  • New category of camera control added for keyboard settings. Previously, the camera control was limited to the O, K, L and + keys, but can now be applied to other buttons by going to Main Menu> Options> Button Configuration.
  • An option "can join friends" has been added to the settings of the private session. Until now, it has been possible to join private sessions only by entering the session ID online, but if you enable the option "Join friends" , your Steam friends can join you via "Invite a friend". or by looking for friend meetings. As a result, the "Yes" option for private sessions has been changed to "Online session ID only".


  • Countermeasures to a bug where attacks having many effects on the hit (for example, Shot III for the Heavy Bowgun) caused the game crash when the quest for the event "Immortal Alpenglow" was played. This error will be corrected in future updates. The availability of "Immortal Alpenglow" is therefore extended as follows:
    Before: March 22 (Friday) at 00:00 (UTC) until April 4 (Thursday) at 23:59 (UTC).
    Now: March 22 (Friday) at 00:00 (UTC) until April 18 (Thursday) at 23:59 (UTC).
  • Fixed a bug that caused a player to retreat to the left if a neutral dodge was executed within 0.3 seconds of blocking with the badog stick.
  • Fixed a bug that would have allowed the Wyrmstake Cannon Lance Cannon to continue hitting a monster until it appeared when the first shot came as the monster began to dig. The Wyrmstake cannon ends as soon as the burial animation is over.
  • Players must always be presented with high-resolution textures, but there is an error in making the player's character with texture resolution similar to that of NPCs when the game was rebuilt from scratch and you have left for a quest or an expedition. This bug has been fixed
  • Fixed a bug that caused a slow scrolling speed when using the scroll wheel on the Skills Info screen.
  • Issue resolved: A window could not be closed, but could still be served if you fainted with an open window.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the title window's support window to display the Web manual and support URLs for other platforms.
  • Issue resolved: The Safari purring and roasting result screens did not move the Take All slider when the left directional button was pressed.
  • Issue resolved: Sorting the mouse resulted in different sorting of device sets, for example, compared to other interface clbadifications, such as object sets.
  • Several other bugs have been fixed.

Location fixes:

  • Kulve Taroth Weapons Taroth Daggers "Fire" is an element of fire, but has been translated as an element of explosion. The translation has been corrected as follows: Taroth Daggers "Explosion" -> Taroth Daggers "Fire". If the Taroth "Explosion" Daggers are in your possession, they have been renamed "Tarot Daggers" "Fire" and not removed.
  • Various other bug fixes.

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