More millenarians dying of drugs, alcohol and suicides


"The dead of despair" are increasing among young Americans.

These deaths – related to drugs, alcohol or suicide – cost the lives of 36,000 US Millennials in 2017 alone. Overdoses of drugs are the most common cause of death.

According to Jamie Ducharme for TIME, citing a report from Public Health Groups Trust for America's Health and Well Being Trust. The report examined millennials aged 23 to 38 in 2019 using the most recent data available from the CDC.

Ducharme reports that deaths due to desperation have increased across all ages over the past 10 years, but more so among young Americans.

Between 2007 and 2017, the number of alcohol-related deaths increased by 69% among adults aged 18 to 34; 108% increase in the number of drug-related deaths – mainly fueled by the opioid crisis; and a 35% increase in suicide deaths.

The report cites some of the reasons behind these increases: young adults are more likely to engage in risky behaviors, have the largest number of military recruits and live disproportionately in "high stress environments" such as correctional facilities.

According to the report, other structural factors are also at play, namely the myriad of financial problems facing the millennia: student loan debt, health care, child care and the market. expensive housing. These four costs are part of the great crisis of American affordability that plagues the millennia, which delays them financially.

Read more: 2019 is the last clbad of graduates of the millennium. Next stop: The great crisis of US affordability.

Affordability crisis affects the mental health of millennials

The financial burden and lack of social support may explain why depression is on the rise for millennial women. According to a Blue Cross Blue Shield report, they have seen a 47% increase in major depression since 2013. However, one in five people do not seek treatment, probably because they can not afford it.

Studies have shown a correlation between debt and mental health problems. Although this research, by its very nature, can not identify causality, the likelihood of having a mental health disorder is three times higher among unsecured debt, according to a meta-badysis, or study. studies, in Clinical Psychology Review. People who committed suicide are eight times more likely.

Millennials do not always have someone with whom to share the mental burden of the situation. They are less likely to benefit from social support than other generations, as they marry later and are less connected to political or religious communities, according to Ducharme reports.

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