More than 1,000 Ebola cases reported in DRC: UN – Xinhua


UNITED NATIONS, April 5 (Xinhua) – The number of Ebola cases in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has risen sharply this week, surpbading the 1,000 mark, a spokesman for the country said on Friday. ;UN.

"The World Health Organization (WHO) said that a marked increase in the number of Ebola cases in this country had occurred this week, highlighting the challenging context and the multitude of challenges to which faces the response to the epidemic, "said Stéphane Dujarric, spokesman for the UN. Secretary General Antonio Guterres.

"There have been 1,041 confirmed cases, including 629 deaths," Dujarric told reporters at a regular meeting. "Some 338 patients who have received care at Ebola treatment centers have now been discharged."

"The WHO, working under the leadership of the government and in collaboration with other agencies, said the teams are working to build community confidence and intensify the response in these areas" , did he declare. "The agency reports that a recent change in the response strategy to promote increased engagement and ownership of affected communities is starting to yield results."

Raids on Ebola treatment centers by "non-state actors" have been reported since the last outbreak of the deadly disease in August, further preventing skeptical local populations from seeking help, including including the use of a vaccine for high-risk subjects, WHO said.

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